Thursday, December 31, 2020

End of the Year Gratitude

Above all I'm thankful for my family. I really would have struggled this year without my parents. It was good to get to spend a lot of time with them and live with them for the Spring. I'm thankful for my sister for being great to talk to and being a smart and caring person..

I'm thankful for camp. For giving me excellent experiences and a reprieve from isolation and something to look forward to. 

I'm thankful for my friends. For helping me grow as a person and making days better. 

I think I can honestly say I'm doing better at this moment right now than I was a year ago. so that's 200 posts for the year!!

I want to make climbing walls

That's my goal for 2021. I think it integrates a lot of my passions. Climbing. Whittling. And camp. It'd be a great thing to have at camp. This is the professional/artistic project I will commit myself to this coming year. But we'll see.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Every time I sit down to write I want to say how thankful I am for the people in my life and express gratitude. It needs to be repeated. The trick is figuring out how to say it in a different way. Or how to have fun with it. 

My dad told me about a 2001 Honda Civic parked in front of an international grocery store with only 140k miles on it and for only $1500. I guess I don't really want a project car though. I just want a dependable car that I can drive for awhile.

My friend Peyton told me he kept waking up every two hours because his new baby was just mumbling the whole night. And I like to imagine the baby was saying

So this is what being alive is like? Is it just this the whole time? How long have you guys been alive? Why is it dark now? Why is it dark now and when I close my eyes it's dark but sometimes it's light when my eyes are open but then it's never light when my eyes are closed? Explain that. Moving around? Rated? Overrated? Underrated? Am I the whole universe? What separates me from anything else? Hungry? Sleepy? It feels like my memories of everything that's ever happened to me are always informing my perception of the present. Is that normal?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Secret is Whittling

 Just whittle all day. That's the secret to happiness. I've spent the past two days whittling and I feel great. I've made a bird. I've made a handle for a climbing wall. And I made another type of hold called a jug. 

But yeah. Whittling takes forever to make anything and it eats up a lot of time but it's really engaging and "flow-state"-y. So that's great. I'm just gonna keep this going and make more holds. Or maybe more birds. Or both. I will say that it takes me 3 days to make one bird and I've made two holds in one day. So maybe I'll stick with holds because the feeling of completion is addicting. Good stuff.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

jack white snl

Saturday, December 26, 2020

I'm Gonna Be 30 in 2021

30. It doesn't mean that much to me. I think mostly I'll just play up being old and go on being youthful. 

I think my life has largely been defined by the people who have supported me and made options available to me. I've been given a lot of support. I feel independent a lot and I feel that my choices and efforts have made me into the person I am but those efforts wouldn't mean much without other people creating that space. And so I hope to create those spaces for others and be open to the support around me.

The View from Maw Maw's

I really like this landscape. I like how it's all parallel horiztonal lines. That's my favorite way to draw backgrounds. I think it's a really simple interesting effect.

Boxing Day 20 Miler

It was really encouraging how good I felt. I did 97 minutes a week before and was pretty exhausted. Today I kept going for 40 more minutes and never felt awful. I've stacked a lot of really good work for a pretty long time now. Going into the new year I feel confident to run hard and take risks. We'll see. I've got good training partners!

watching home movies

I've never sat down and watched the videos of me as a baby and little kid. They were always too embarrassing. It made this Christmas special though. When we couldn't have the whole family together to be able to watch first Christmases and birthdays for the first time.

At the end of this year I feel less concerned with wanting more and more appreciative of what I have. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

When You Think About

How many versions of other people live inside you, like everyone you know. You have so many representations of other people that you've created from knowing them. And everyone you know has some representation of you that they've created. 

It starts to get tricky to make an argument for your individual identity as a thing that is located in you.

Christmas in Covid. Goals for 2021

Normally being home would mark a time of not working. But I haven't worked with kids since September. And I haven't worked a day at afterschool since Friday, March 13th.

I need to hydrate.

What are my goals for 2021?

-Run a PR. Preferably multiple PR's.

-climb a V6 at Rocky Top

- work from the summer until the winter and beyond!

- finish the camp book

- keep pursuing artistic interests. more woodworking??

I learned a lot in 2020. About myself and about other people and about the world. There's a lot I still don't know but one thing I know is that there is someone out there for me and I need to be patient and be open to possibilities and focus on being the person I want to be. 

Runs for the Rest of the Year

12/22- 2 x 3 mile tempo.  17:51, 80s rest. 17:24. good effort. 

12/23- Moderate. Strength + Mechanics + Speed

24- Easy

25- Christmas 20 Miler. Classic.

26- Recovery Day

27- Moderate Day

28- Strength, Mechanics

29- Easy Sharpening 5k Workout. Progressive 400s?

30- Easy Run

31- off

1st- New Years 5k

Sunday, December 20, 2020

life trajectory

I was doing dishes just now and thinking about this little drawing I made in either 2015 or 2016, some time when I wasn't working very much and it said, "this may be the free-est I'll ever be"

Well, that turned out to not be true. I can also remember there was an unhappiness that went along with it. The happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been is at CHT. Also at Field. But CHT was really special because it was truly all the time. It was virtually no freedom. Every minute of my day was accounted for. But that's not sustainable. 

I imagine a lot of people my age have questioned the value of stability and striving for a stable life. It's like every 5-10 years we have this great upheaval event. And climate change is looming and we're racing towards it.

I'm not saying I have no thought towards the future or that it will be a complete disaster but I do think everyone's path will be different and everyone has to make their own way and things that seem like a safe bet or a certainty aren't necessarily so. Which is to say, I try not to get too bent out of shape about this weird inbetween period I've found myself in, much by my own choosing.

What was I going to talk about?

While I was doing dishes I had the thought of my life being on a trajectory towards being more free. And a big part of that is discovering what freedom actually is, what it actually feels like. I think it is a very hard thing to know. Choices that seem freeing can feel very restrictive. And vice-versa. 

who knows man. who knows.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Running Right Now

Areas I'm addressing

massage- I have really big knots in my calves, lower legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes. I'm really trying to do a good job with massage and rolling and releasing all those muscles. This is something I've neglected for years and probably a big part of why I felt bad a lot of days. 

flexibility- I've been working on this for months and I think I've made a lot of improvements. My hips and calves have become a lot less tight. I really did not have good range of motion. 

core/strength- I started lifting this year and have recently started doing core and I'm notice improvements. I was weak. 

drills- I don't think I was doing the best job of applying force when I strike the ground. I think I was focused on lifting my knees. This is something I'm still refining but I also see improvements. 

When I spend a day focusing on all of these in addition to an actual run it ends up taking like 3 hours. But I think it's good and productive that I'm rebuilding myself and when I get back to doing hard workouts and races I'll have this frame that's stronger and more resilient. That's the idea anyway...

February 2020

I went to Costa Rica!!! This is really the only important thing that happened in this month. 

Work was hard. Running was going okay. It was all pretty similar to January. I think I went on a date in early February and then she stopped talking to me right before I left for Costa Rica.

Yeah, this is an easy month because that was the big thing. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

January 2020

What was I doing in January?

I started this decade and year and month waking up in a bed with my childhood friend Chad. 

I remember running track workouts at night at UVa after long days working. I was teaching art and doing afterschool. I got my passport either in late December or early January. 

My home situation was kind of devolving because my roommates were having a lot of struggles in their lives and I was trying to distance myself as much as possible. My own roommate had a relationship go sour around this time and I think it might have been in January that his then girlfriend had a breakdown in the middle of the night and he kicked her out of the house. it was weird. 

I spent most of my time working or running or climbing. I had just got my first pair of climbing shoes and chalk for Christmas and I think around then I started climbing more than once a week. 

I wouldn't say it was a great month. I forget what kind of art I was making around that time. Oh I just checked my pictures and I was making some trippy swirly art comic pieces and putting them on craigslist.

I ran my only official race of the year in January. An 8k in North Carolina with Peyton where I ran pretty well. 26:15 I think. I was pretty happy with that result. Little did I know what was about to unfold. 

what do you learn from running in freezing rain?

1) once all your clothes are soaked through, the only way to get warmer is to run harder

2) avoid running in freezing rain

Monday, December 14, 2020


Just write. Just write something for 10 minutes. Write anything. 

This farmer pours a bucket of water on a short sunflower and the sunflower grows really tall and zaps him with a laser.

A person dumps a cold can of soup into a bowl and heats it up with a blow dryer until it turns into hair.

A rock tumbles down a mountain and crushes a bench next to a giant baseball glove with a sign next to it that says "LAND HERE!"

A fish does a back flip out of the water. Another fish attempts to flip but is caught by a spider and forced to sit at a tea party.

A robber stealing a bag of cash is running away. He ducks into an alley and looks into the bag. He sees a small version of himself holding the same bag looking up at himself. 

I was sad and then I ate a sandwich

and realized that I wasn't a sad washed-up pathetic human being, I just needed a sandwich. 

and now I feel much better.

Dating and Relationships

 I've been on a good amount of dates this year and met some people and learned about people and learned about myself. 

I think until very recently I didn't think of myself as someone who would want to go on dates just for the sake of going on dates and getting to know someone. My mindset was to be attracted to someone, get to know them, be more attracted to them, be in a relationship with them. Dates were strictly a means to an end and the whole point of being interested in someone was to start a relationship. I don't think I pursued this like really aggressively or anything but I always felt that I'm someone who gets really attached really easily and so to head in that direction but then just leaving things at a date felt kind of uncomfortable. Why would I just want to date someone if it was going to cause me to have all these feelings that I would just have to let go?

Well, anyway, flash forward to now and I'm totally over that hang up, haha. I think a couple things have happened. Meeting people seems less stressful and less of an "event". I realized that I like my life the way I have it set up and I don't really want to rush into sharing that with anyone unless it's really going to be a good fit. 

I remember at the start of this year, at a new years party, it hit midnight and I was at this house party and all the couples were all coupled up and me and all the single people were kinda in the living room and all the single people were looking kinda sad and mopey. And I felt sorta sad and mopey. And I decided I would make an effort to get on an app and meet people and date. If you had asked me then what I would have hoped to have by now it would have been a girlfriend. And I don't have a girlfriend right now. Sometimes that was from the choices I made and sometimes that was a choice the other person made. But I will say I feel good about my ability to meet people and go on dates. I seem to be likeable enough to people I like that I feel good about myself. And I guess more important than having anything is feeling good about yourself.

I've Lived in Charlottesville for 5 years now

 I guess it was 5 years about two weeks ago but I didn't think about the occasion. Usually I think about it when I'm at working at afterschool because that was the thing I did on the first day I moved to Charlottesville. I remember I posted some nice pictures of snow last year and talked about how I'd improved in a lot of ways. I think that's still true. No snow so far this year. I guess we got a little bit one morning this week but it didn't really stick.

I've probably said this before but I think the things I like to do aren't generally seen as important or a big part of, I guess, in general, what we consider to be "going on" in the world. What I'm saying is in reflecting on this year, when everything got "disrupted" it felt like it just gave me more time to do what I want to do. I kinda felt like all that work I was doing and those two jobs I had were disrupting my life.

That's not entirely true. I really like afterschool and I can tell that I miss the kids a lot. It makes me sad. 

What am I saying? Something I've told myself a lot during these past few months is to make the most of the opportunities I have right now. I might not get them again. I have this feeling though that I won't be satisfied with what I get out of this time. It's not like I can just run my best race or climb really well and make a good drawing during these COVID times that will satisfy me for the rest of my life. I'll always want more and I'll always want to find ways to improve. But maybe this is a time where I can make more progress than I otherwise would have. I think that's definitely been true. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

a nest

what kind of bird makes this nest?

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

the workout went well

It was harder than I thought and I was a few seconds slower than where I wanted to be but I ran hard and stayed tough and I can get fitter and better at that workout in a short time. 

I'm still sleeping on the floor. It's getting more comfortable and I feel really good in the morning. It feels good to stand up and my muscles feel better somehow. When I get out of my bed I usually just want to get back in bed and it takes a while to get going. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

floor with a fire

I am 29. I'm sleeping on the living room rug next to a fire I made myself. It's 11:43 PM. I will wake up and go run. The fire is warm. The house is empty except for me. I am happy. I look at the fire and close my eyes and I am happy. My back and hips feel good on this floor. I am comfortable. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020


I tried sleeping on the living room floor last night because I've been curious about it for a while and my roommates aren't around. 

I definitely woke up out of discomfort a couple times but in the morning my body felt a little better. Particularly my back. Legs are still sore. 

Had a good run today and really tried to focus and treat things with importance. Hamstrings and quads are sore.

I went to Goodwill with Julie and that was fun. Her, Erin and I have had a really good rapport lately. I also sent the weekly comics to Todd. I've made good progress on the book. 

Tomorrow I'm going to climb and hopefully feel a little fresher on my run. I'll do a moderate run with some easier faster stuff mixed in.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Long Run

 Woke up at 7 to run with Peyton this morning at Keene. We did 10 miles. I thought I would go to 100 minutes or 14 miles but I looked at my watch and saw 50 minutes and thought, "there's no way I'm doing another 50."

I still got in 72 minutes and I'm thinking I should be able to go out for another easy half hour this afternoon. That will probably have to be pretty soon actually.

I was really sore this morning. Probably somewhat from lack of sleep and mostly from weight training. But that's a good feeling. The thing I need to be careful with is injury. Whenever I take a really granular approach to running I always get really focused and push myself hard and then greatly increase the chance of injury. I have to be careful and smart.

Peyton suggested he could help pace me for a 1600 time trial in a couple weeks after I told him about my good mile pace workout last Monday. That would be a really good opportunity. I think this Wednesday I'll do a sub-5 1600, take 5 minutes rest, and then do 6x400 with 200m rest and try to run 69 or faster for each one. That should be really doable after running those paces pretty comfortably. I did that in June of 2015 the year I ran my current mile PR. If I can do that workout it would give me a lot of confidence to go for a fast mile the following week. It will probably also be weather dependent. Looks like perfect running weather so far. Highs in the 50s every day and no rain. 

There are no excuses to be mediocre right now. I have all the time I need to train and recover. This is my opportunity to get to a new level. 

Right now I should roll out and stretch and get ready for a short easy run.

Friday, December 4, 2020


 I woke up today and really wanted to run some fast 200s. I thought if I could do 3x200m all in 28 seconds, and maybe even one under 28 seconds, that would be really good. Well I ran 28.3, 28.9, 28.8. 

It was pretty good. Immediately after finishing I wanted to be able to run a 27. I think I can get there. I've been doing some core and weight training and the focus on mobility and stretching is really starting to show. Today it was about mid-50s and a bit windy so I had a tailwind but I think on a good warm day I could really rip one. And it's going to take a while before those extra things really start to pay off but I have the time and motivation to do them well. 

I also had a good climbing session in the evening. I sent two problems that I started last time and made some progress on some others.  

Tomorrow I will do a long run. Probably 15 miles. I did good work today. I got a little bit better.

Thursday, December 3, 2020



French Language Cartoons

 I started this series where I use google translate to write comics in French. I imagine they could go in French language textbooks. They deliberately don't make any sense. And, nothing in language textbooks ever really mad any sense to me anyway. That's the beauty of learning a language. It strips a language of any communicative intention. Like, I'm not trying to say anything to you. I'm just speaking the language in a way you can understand. So, I think it's ripe for absurdism.

Anyway, I tagged a bunch of educational social media accounts in my IG story and sparknotes replied to the story with the heart-eyes emoji. Which is hilarious. So maybe I'll keep doing that. Or if I make enough of them I'll assemble them into my own Learn French with Google Translate zine.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dad Garage Workout

It was really good to do workouts with Dad on the total trainer over Thanksgiving. I climbed today and I climbed a problem I hadn't been able to get before! Definitely felt really strong after working on some muscles that I don't normally train.

I'm on track to reach 200 posts for the year. I have to post pretty much every day in December.

Pictures of Mom's delicious Thanksgiving food

so good!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

cat boy

all hail the fleischwolf

I'm pretty sure it's German for MEATWOLF!


Thursday, November 26, 2020

turkey boy

Thanksgiving Day Thoughts

missing the turkey trot. So much fun to wake up early and run and see so many people and feel part of a community. 

missing Erin. obviously.

missing Paw Paw.

excited to be here with Mom and Dad and see Maw Maw.

watching the parade and realizing how much I dislike about the Macy's parade.

It was supposed to rain but it's sunny and warm.

Anyway, make Puerto Rico and DC states already. And cancel student loan debt. And abolish prisons. And recognize power that exists in the background and the incredible force it exerts over what we consider normal.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

California Prison Scam

A story came out today about california inmates claiming unemployment benefits. Much was made of just exactly who was applying for these benefits. Rapists, serial killers, etc...

Let's completely ignore the fact that the criminal justice system is clearly racially prejudiced and we have the highest incarcerated population IN THE WORLD, with a clear financial incentive to lock people up for cheap labor and private prisons, and the war on drugs lead to tons of sentences that have ruined people's lives AND




the handling of covid in the incarcerated population has been an absolute travesty!! It has ravaged prisons and no precautions or protections have been put in place. If you believe in justice then you must believe in honoring the rights for those who are incarcerated. If you believe in absolute, unrelenting torture and depravity for those charged in an imperfect system then I don't know how you could ever expect mercy or forgiveness that you are unwilling to give yourself. It's wrong. It's flat out wrong how people are treated in prisons. 

But hey! Look over here! The bad guys scammed you! They think it's a big joke. These criminal masterminds. It makes me sick how we can give attention to this narrative of "the bad guys in jail" while completely ignoring the hypocrisy and failings of the system as it is.

catch me rocking this look

every day for four days straight

Walter Kronkite

Walter Kronkite once laughed at the idea of Joe Biden becoming president. Well,  Kronkite is dead and Biden will be president. But I guess Kronkite died thinking he was right. So that counts for something. 

Speaking of life and death, I think you spend your life receiving and transferring different influences, something like energy. And when you die I guess that influence stands out in contrast somehow. It's marked because it's not flowing through you anymore. But it's still there. 


I had this great idea that what I really needed to do to run faster was to really focus on engaging my hamstrings when I run. And so at the moment of foot contact, or right before,  I really focused on pulling the foot down and back. And I had a really good workout doing that. And now my hamstring is a bit strained. But I spent today massaging and stretching and getting everything all loose so I think I'll feel better tomorrow. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Heard the Greatest Kid Conversation Today

I am a track doing stretches.

Two older elementary looking kids, a boy and a girl, in the parking lot ride by on bikes.

The boy says, "yeah, the only reason we have the buddy system is SOME LADY"

He continues, "It wasn't even my mom's idea, she just heard from it from some lady who said you should have the buddy system and now we have the buddy system."

The girl goes, "did she see it on pinterest??"

The boy, "No, some lady on facebook."

And then they named every social media platform they could think of in a condescending tone.

you had to be there.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

still at it

 It's exciting that I can still go for a run and feel some extra pop in my stride and think, "oh, I don't know if I've ever had quite this much push before." My tendons felt like rubber bands. Makes you think new things are still possible. I've been running for 16 years or so and I still get excited about a glimmer of untapped potential. This is the year for it. Let's see what happens.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I Want To See Dear Erin 🥺

My sister might be working around Thanksgiving this year and won't be able to make the trip home. 


I will have to visit her then. Maybe after Thanksgiving. She can read this and respond accordingly. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

great long run and climb yesterday

I did 16 miles with 10 miles in the middle where I alternated between 5:35 miles and 6:20 miles. felt really really good!

And then I climbed with Michael. I felt a little tired but we climbed pretty much nonstop for 80 minutes. It was great.

Today I'm exhausted and have the most mild of headaches and just feel irritable. I took a nap in the afternoon so I must be really tired. My run was good though. Today I really focused on flexibility, mobility, good mechanics, and a little bit of speed and power. The run was short but I felt really good. I guess I just need a lot of rest. I don't like feeling super irritable and exhausted and also not wanting to do much of anything between running. But overall I'm doing well.

I think my roommate is somewhat difficult to be around. And without meaning to he kind of takes up all the common areas so I feel stuck in my room sometimes. I'd probably feel better if I felt more comfortable in more of the house. Some of that could also be me and maybe I'm not great at sharing spaces. Oh well. In the end it's still a good living situation and I'm doing good. I think all of this is a sign that I'm putting a good amount of stress on my body and with good rest that will lead to good performance!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2020

new look for the winter

this the one


just stunning. like a poem. there's so much to unpack here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

The End of the Movie

the end of the movie

Such a beautiful song. The kind of song that swallows you completely in its sadness and holds you at the same time. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Let the Dead Bury Their Own Dead

 I was listening to an Alan Watts talk today while drawing and he quoted this passage from the Bible, from Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. 

The part about not worrying about food or clothes or the future. The way birds don't worry about food and they are fed. The way the Lord has clothed the grass. And he says don't worry and that worrying will accomplish nothing. 

So I said, "okay well that's kinda cool." And then Jesus goes and does some miracles and he's gathering a following and he tells a man to follow him and the man says he will but first he needs to go bury his father. And Jesus says, "follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."

What a poetic line. What a confounding thing to say. The guy raises a seemingly absolutely valid point and Jesus's response is utterly opaque and bizarre and grim. Let the dead bury their own dead. Completely reject whatever you think is important in the face of a call to faith. It's ominous. 

Jesus isn't much for cajoling or negotiating here. What an intimate thing to respond to. And with audacity.

And people well say, "well, Jesus wasn't being rude or crazy. What the guy was saying was that his father was dying and the guy had to attend to him until he died and basically the guy was trying to put it off and Jesus was telling him that it's not something that can be put off and it's okay because we all know Jesus was right, anyway, that's a given."

Any way you slice it that is a radical thing to say. And a radical way to say it. I like it. I think it's cool. 

I don't really have a larger point. It's just a really cool line to reflect on.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 It seemed like it was getting cold before I went to West Virginia so I brought my plants inside. I guess it's a little premature. Oh well. 

Anyway, a couple thoughts:

1) my place is heated by radiators and I found out today that radiators are really bad for houseplants. it dries them out too fast. I don't think my spider plants like direct sunlight so I guess that's not a huge concern. My current plant management system is they are placed in a corner of my room and I have humidifier/oil diffuser in the middle of all of them because I read that makes them happy. We will see!

2) I got these plants (I still don't know what they are) in 2019 from afterschool and they pretty much died over the course of a year. One died in the Spring and then I put one in the dirt outside my new house in the summer. I decided to bring it back inside today. It doesn't seem like it's doing great. Anyway, surprise surprise! Two new plants were sprouting in one of my spider plant pots. I have no idea how it get in there and grew. So we'll see if those survive. I clumsily moved them to their own pot. It gave my a vague sense of hope that they found a way to survive and grow like that. I hope they survive despite my intervention. But I'm not letting myself get to invested in their fate.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

Really Good Run

 I felt amazing on my run yesterday. I felt like I was glowing. I felt the polar opposite of injured. I was very aware of everything my body was doing but instead of being aware because of pain, it felt like I was more in control than normal. If I wanted to speed up or change my stride, I knew I could do it. That was a good feeling. I think in sports psychology they train you to notice when those moments happen and what they feel like and use them as a reference. And then I think you also pair them with words or phrases or something tangible so you can get back to that state. I know for me it usually happens the day after a hard but successful workout and when I'm hydrating and sleeping enough.

Anyway, as all of this was happening I also started to think about Paw Paw. I don't really know how to put into words what I felt but it was a good feeling. I don't know. It was just a really special moment.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Yesterday I was running on the sidewalk and crossed a street that a little old lady in a wheelchair and a big oversized mask was coming from. I went past and she yelled,  "THIEF!!!"

And she and the young woman she was with started laughing.  She got me good. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

You Gotta Hand it To Me

 You gotta hand it to me, I made coffee this morning.

You gotta hand it to me, I was craving ice cream last night and I drove to Kroger and bought a pint of Cherry Garcia.

You gotta hand it to him.

You gotta hand it to me, I sweat the bed last night.

You gotta hand it to me, I cut my nails this morning. You gotta hand it to him, he shaved. 

You gotta hand it to me, I've been doing a good job of keeping up with my flossing.

You gotta hand it to me, I have sweaty hands.

You gotta sweat it to me, hands hands hands.

Sweat got hands. You to me it. Swands. You. Me. Got it.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday of This Week

 there are 66 days left in 2020. And I need to write 56 more posts to get to 200. Should be doable!

This week I want to make 3 comics for the summer camp book. I want to run a good workout on Wednesday. I want to be in a mindset where I feel energized to do cool stuff and share those things with others. 

I bought this canned stir fry from Kroger last week and it was SUPER salty and then I got really dehydrated and was in bed/slept for 11 hours and did not feel like I was in the best head space this morning. The things that got me out of bed were the leafblower outside my window and my roommate reading his paper out loud downstairs. But here I am now!

I want to recognize how I feel and make a plan to start feeling better. I started a project yesterday that was pretty fun. I think I'll go work on that and then go climbing and then get groceries. And drink lots of water.

I don't hate Google's updated icons. I kind of like the colors. 

My spiritual thought of the day is that we are always remeeting each other as different people. We meet, we interact, we go off, we change, we meet again. We have to embrace change.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Daily Blarble

 I have a group of friends from college that I play Dungeons and Dragons with and last night I posed the question to our group chat:

    "If, on some level, my character exists and was created by me, a higher dimensional intelligence, then what if I am also the character being used in a turn-based role playing game?"

Well, you could say that obviously isn't true because our existence is way more detailed and elaborate than any D&D game. Maybe. We know our own brains are filling in information that isn't really there all the time. 

I really only like theories about why we exist if they can inform how we might best exist. What we should do with life is way more interesting than why we have it. In the case of a role playing game, I don't know.

We did have a good discussion about the differences between living your life as a player character or an NPC (non-player character). Are you doing things that main characters in a story would do or are you a background character? That gets back to a question I asked the kids when I was student teaching in a 9th grade English classroom, "would you rather live a long, safe, boring life or a short but passionate one?"

At the time I said the long but boring one. I think I still stand by that. Although maybe I'm less sure of that than I was at the time. 

My favorite advice is still from Waking Life and it's to live as if you're a dream character in another person's dream.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

comic I made with Julie

I took way too long to make this but I'm really happy with it now.

great workout this morning

 I did 10x 800 at 5 min mile pace. It's been a long time since I've done that much work that fast and it felt really good. I took a lot of rest so that contributed to the good feelings. Usually when I do a workout like that there comes a moment where I have to manage the pain and will myself to keep going. This morning I felt really in control the whole way and really confident. 

The past two workouts I've been doing easier versions of the workouts that the guys I train with are doing. They're in really good shape already and have been doing hard workouts for about two months now so I felt like I wasn't ready to attempt things at that level just yet. I don't think I would've been able to the 10x 1,000 that my friend did but I feel like the next workout is the time to go for it and see if I can hang on for the whole thing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

learning tired

I remember very early on when I started running I didn't really understand how to feel how tired my body was. I remember doing a workout by myself and wanting to run 800 meters in under 3 minutes. And I kept waiting for my breathing to go back to normal and once that happened I didn't really understand why I couldn't run faster than I'd ever run before. My body didn't feel tired and I was super motivated. Why was it not happening.

Pretty quickly I learned that you can only perform to your absolute best a relatively small number of times. I see it with the kids at my afterschool program too. They run a 400m loop around the playground as hard as they can and then after they've rested a bit they want to try to beat their time. I tell them, "halfway through you're gonna feel way more tired than you did the first time."

Sometimes they beat their time though. They still don't know how hard they can push themselves.

Anyway, I'm having to learn the same lesson in climbing. Today I felt fine and should've been able to climb really well and do some problems I haven't finished. And then I tried one that I know I can do without much difficulty and I was not able to stick the moves. It didn't matter how hard I tried, my hands were tired in a way that wasn't apparent until they were seemingly maxed out.

Unlike running, I really only enjoy climbing when I'm feeling my best or close to my best. It's not really fun to do a bunch of problems that I already know I can do. Although, that's like being dissatisfied with running a bunch of 7 minute miles when you know on your best day you can run sub 5 minute miles. They're still worth doing to improve. They're necessary. For now though climbing is mostly for fun and for cross training. So I'm not too worried about it. Just interesting to relearn the lesson of being tired.


 I'm sitting here and I guess I should start writing. I threw up a little bit in my mouth this morning while lying in bed. I can't remember the last time that happened. So that's interesting.

Today I want to get some illustrations done for the book and also send out more mail to people. 

One thing I'd like to talk to people about is trying to find things we believe without question and trying to get to a place where that belief or assumption makes zero sense. Like, when you learn about practices and beliefs from a different time or place and it hits you like "why would you ever think that?" It seems really hard to find within yourself.

Sometimes I walk down the street in my pajamas and I go sit on a retaining wall above a sidewalk and a busy street and I just sit there and eat fruit or hang out and watch people. It's really not a place for sitting or doing anything and you can tell, especially people in cars, are confused by it. It's fun though. The sunlight is good. And then that got me thinking about people who stand in the medians at busy traffic lights and interstate ramps. I think that's one of those things that we accept that is probably insane. People who are experiencing homelessness. I think it's ridiculous that we let that happen to people.

And the story that we make up about it. Well, they're dangerous. Drugs. It's drugs. They can't be helped. They refused to play the game. Some people are just like that. It happens everywhere. 

It seems like, if you allow people to be homeless, if you allow for this group of people who seemingly have nothing and can only get ahead by exceptional circumstances, then you have this backstop that will drive people to work very hard for very little out of fear. You don't want to end up like them. That's also a big part of white supremacy. A lot of poor whites in the South didn't want slavery to end even though it didn't benefit them in any way because it created a status that they were always above, by definition. 

I'm sure in a lot of ways I have no idea what I'm talking about right now but I think it's interesting to take a concept like homelessness and say, that makes zero sense, why are you okay with that? Maybe it changes your approach if you come from a place of, "the society that allows this to happen is sick and this shouldn't be a thing" rather than, "this is a problem that is innate and part of the natural universe across space and time that we will confront the best we can." Maybe?

Monday, October 19, 2020

Banana and Blueberries

 Banana and Blueberry Oatmeal this morning. 

Thinking about how Ram Dass calls a society a conspiracy. Everyone is saying and thinking the same things and that makes those things seem real. The difference between a lie or illusion and reality is whether or not everyone agrees and goes along with it. And any society is invested in maintaining those beliefs because it keeps people from freaking out and it's also set up in a way to keep the people who have power in power.  He calls it "relative reality". And it's really not about being right. It's about being able to hold two different perspectives (both of which are illusions) at once to see things for what they are and not be entirely inside of them. He says that he can use illusions to dispel other illusions as long as he knows at the end he's going to throw away all of them.

The really interesting part though I think is that when people ask him about their problems and hang-ups he refers to them as "mind states" that people are buying into and he dismisses them as uninteresting. 

So something like FOMO, fear of missing out. Or feeling like everyone is off living a much better life than you are right now. That's only real to the extent that you buy into that. That the best use of your time is spent doing things that seem interesting in a specific way to other people. You can spend your time worrying about it. But it doesn't seem very interesting.

The other thing he talks about is that feelings are still valid. You can't simply dismiss them with complete and perfect apathy. He says it's okay to be afraid or anxious or jealous or angry or whatever as long as you aren't busy being anxious or jealous or angry. Instead of saying, I am angry, you say, there is anger. As a thing that is watching the anger. 

There are some things I disagree with. Ram Dass talks about people coming up to him and saying, "I'm depressed" and he says, "are you really?" And they say, "yes. I'm depressed." And he says, "Well, is the person telling me they're depressed depressed?" And they say, "no." And he acts like it's this big a-Ha! moment that proves some part of them isn't depressed. And I get that that is all about looking at things at different levels and not being trapped in any one state of mind or feeling but also it came across as a bit dismissive. I don't know. How we view depression has changed a lot since the 90s when he was saying that. 

The takeaway for me is to accept how you feel and what you think, be honest about it, but then also ask, is it useful? Is it interesting? Is it doing anything for you? And I think there's a lot of power in that.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Healthy Way to Start the Day

 If I write every day from now until 2021 I think I can have over 200 posts for the year. Which I've done every year since 2013. 

Today I'm thinking about interview questions that I would like to ask people. The other day I listened to a little bit of Duncan Trussel because my sister and I watched the Midnight Gospel last winter and then that led to listening to Ram Dass. All of that kinda stuff really interests me. I also had a conversation with a friend and they talked about a podcast that explained what progressive Christianity is and how you can deconstruct your faith. That idea is really interesting to me but when I listened to the people talk about it, it didn't resonate with me personally as much as Ram Dass and Duncan Trussel and Alan Watts. 

Sometimes I wonder why terms like Jesus and God don't stick with me as much as they seem to really ring true for others. It seems self-evident and innate in a lot of people and for me I don't really feel like there's any kind of entry point into feeling god's presence or anything like that. But when I listen to someone like Ram Dass, that makes sense to me. Both approaches are headed in the same direction but starting at different points. Maybe. The whole goal seems to be talking about and connecting with something beyond your sensory experience and reason. And both end up getting to this point of absolute love and compassion and understanding.

Anyway, I'm thinking about all that and I'm thinking about how I really like having those kinds of conversations and learning what other people think about when you make those kinds of conversations possible. And I make a lot of art and often it's weird and so I'm hoping that by giving art to people it creates an occasion to have a conversation about their beliefs and also just whatever else that comes up. I think it's a fun space to be in. And then I think it would be fun to collect quotes and things and share those and kinda build upon it. We'll see! 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

brainstorm session: thunder and lightning

 For the book I'm illustrating I need to make a comic about managing thunder and lightning during the summer. 

The gist of it is, you need to go inside because lightning is dangerous.

Maybe I could do a character interviewing a bolt of lightning. Or interviewing a thunder cloud. And they ask a question and then lightning strikes and the thunder booms and then they run inside. 

That'd be funny. Sure let's do that. Boom! Book making is easy.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Having Myself a Day

I was driving back from my run and feeling pretty good. Relationship things have not been breaking my way recently and I was getting kind of down about it. But after running I felt like I was able to be apart from those feelings and just look at them for what they are. So that felt good.

And then I pulled up to the next stoplight and look over and the girl in the driver's seat is laughing uncontrollably. I think she was in a car full of people. Anyway she might have just been laughing already but then we made eye contact and she started laughing even harder. 

So, I don't know. Was she laughing at me? I don't know. I guess I was in my running clothes and maybe looked silly. I didn't feel like anything I was doing warranted uproarious uncontrollable laughter.

Anyway, two lights later, I'm at a busy red light and I see the car coming up is turning so I think, okay, I can cut in here while the car is turning. As I'm making the turn I hear a motorcycle engine revving really loudly. I must not have seen them between the car that I was getting behind and the car that was turning. They gave me a death look as they went around me and then sped off and gave me the finger for good measure.

Well, I felt bad. And now I feel bad. Just kinda going through it right now. At least no one was hurt. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

I'm Getting Pretty Fit

I did 3 weeks of low mileage running with lots of drills, stretching, strides, and speed work. Then last week I focused more on higher mileage, averaging over an hour a day with some strides and pick-ups mixed in. 

Now I have some speed and I can also feel that my endurance has improved so it's time to put those together in some longer workouts at a moderate pace. I'll do a tempo, about 5 to 7 miles, each week for 3 weeks. The first one will hopefully be somewhere under 30 minutes and then it would be nice to progress that to somewhere around 28 minutes. Depending on the course. I'll also do some lighter workouts where I'll 6 to 8 times of 1 minute on, 2 minutes off. Or something like that. Maybe 30 on / 90 off. or 60s on / 60 off. We'll see.

I'm recovering really well between runs and seeing improvement every week so that is all great. Lots more work to be done!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Going to sleep I felt frustrated and when I woke up I was frustrated.

None of this is a unique problem. Everything that's happening in our destabilized government has happened before and in other places. Numerous times. Sometimes we have been the cause of that destabilization. To advance our own interests. Feeling like something is unique or new opens the door to feeling helpless and powerless and admitting defeat. Societies have been through corrupt leaders and facist parties. There's a playbook for all of this. I dont know what it is. It seems like a natural reaction is a strengthening of a progressive movement and the call for reform.

On a personal level, I want to feel connected to other people in a way that feels constructive. I don't want to leave a conversation at, everything is broken and hopeless, because it's funny how many sides feel that way and so it's not really an agreement at all. But I can also understand how those feelings are valid and shouldn't be dismissed outright.

What are my values?

Any political platform is really about who has too much power and at the expense of whom, and who should be given more power.

Republicans believe the federal government (in a limited definition that excludes things such as THE ENTIRE MILITARY), academia, and the media have too much power at the expense of large corporations and the rich and nominally the working class.

Democrats basically are seeking to maintain the status quo. The powerful will remain poweful and rich while social reforms will continue and more egregious abuses of power that target protected classes will be chipped away at.

I've been a fan of the idea that fundamentally humans have the urge to create and be creative and care for one another. And that the role of government should seek to maximize those ends. And it doesn't really sit right with me that for the last century, as technology and productivity has made massive gains, the average person is working harder than ever with less and less wealth to show for it. The promise of automation was working less for the betterment of all. And so, it seems to me, that discrimination and meritocracy and systems put in place to give people power, have always served to justify taking things from people outright.

Because, if you allow for racism and sexism and ableism and are able to say that labor that is necessary for society to function is unskilled or lesser, then you can just take that person's labor or rights or wealth because they are a lesser person. And that just seems wrong. 

And we all know on some level the system is unfair and if we feel we've managed to achieve something in it, we don't want it to change because it would somehow undo or invalidate the work that we've put in.

That's understandable but I also think there's a false sense of scarcity. And that bringing people up to your level doesn't move you down. If a system is so cut throat and unforgiving that you are afraid of other people being given help, when an ocean of evidence is available to demonstrate why they need help, and that it ultimately benefits you to not let people utterly fail, if that kind of system draws that reaction from you, is that something you want to be a part of? Are we that scared and untrusting?

So, to summarize all that, power is concentrated in rich white cisgender heterosexual men at the expense of just about anyone who isn't rich or cisgender or heterosexual or white or a man (broadly speaking) and should be distributed so people can better realize their full humanity. 

And people also fear I think, that to make change and improved the lives of others who have been oppressed and exploited, that necessarily the people that have done the oppressing must themselves become subjugated and discriminated and that's the source of a lot of defensiveness and denial. I don't think that's the case. I don't believe that's human nature. That idea, as far I understand it, comes from colonialism and a specific period in human history when empires were built and whole populations were subjugated by the few and powerful. That's not the way it has to be. And if you do think that any society must necessarily subjugate a segment of the population, if you truly believe it's human nature to make some people lesser and unworthy then...what? That just doesn't make any sense. How can you agree with any of our patriotic rhetoric and also uphold that belief (even though it's a totally unspoken belief and we totally use that rhetoric to cover it up)

bUt aRe yOu saYinG eVerYonE gEts a FrEe rIde?

Again, that argument only makes sense with a notion of false scarcity and undermines the idea that humans have any innate drive to be productive and belong to a community. Of course we do!!! Any system put in place to "enforce" this or create failure is just starting a cycle of exploitation. Help people! I see this in kids all the time. If a kid is failing they need help! And it really all comes down to what you fundamentally think humans are. 

I get that this notion of helping people and not letting people fail comes off as naive but I mean, look at what the opposite has gotten us! No one likes this. I'm not saying don't hold people to high standards or don't help people grow. I'm saying if they aren't meeting those standards or they aren't growing then help them! And if you got to where you are without help

#1 - you're wrong because you totally did get help even if it wasn't the specific kind of help you're looking at at the moment or the specific situation you're comparing yourself to

#2- GREAT! You're in an amazing position to help others! And shouldn't that be the measure of a person? How much they were able to benefit others? Not how much better they were than others. Can you be inspirational by being really skilled and accomplished? of course! But I mean someone more like Jeff Bezos. Does Jeff Bezos inspire anyone? Is he an inspirational figure? I guess in some circles. To me he's an example of someone who has risen to the top without actually bettering society in any way (no I'm not accepting the answer that Amazon has helped society. It's clearly consolidated power and brought down small businesses and local economies in the name of personal convenience. And I could keep going but I'm going to stop here.)

Anyway, longer than I planned. I wrote this out for me because I'm frustrated and wanted to process. It's surprising (although I guess it shouldn't be) that any proposals for change that would align society more closely to these beliefs are dismissed as radical and crazy and impossible. eh.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

watching the debate

where do we go from here?

I hope that people gain power. The people are demanding what needs to be done. The people will be heard (?)

edit: HE'S SO DUMB!!!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2020


I stumbled on a pro gun messageboard last night and saw two arguments being touted that were reportedly "irrefutable".

The first was "saying guns kill people is like saying the pencil failed my test." It seems like pro-gun arguments center around the notion of personal responsibility. Where this argument breaks down for me is that in the pencil test scenario, that bad outcome is affecting the user and only the user. In the gun argument, another person is being killed. So, yes, when the outcomes affect you alone, then personal responsibility is more important than tools used. But when you start affecting other people, aka killing and injuring them, then you cede personal responsibility for the collective safety of others.

The other argument was basically, if someone murdered a love one with a baseball bat, would you feel any different than if it was with a gun. This one is pretty dumb because it centers entirely on the feelings of the victim. Wouldn't murder make you feel BAD? Yeah. I reckon it would. But feelings aren't really the issue here. If you're against murder, then it might be advantageous to look at things used to kill people and make them less abundant. 

The logic here is that because anything used to murder makes us feel equally bad, then all things have an equally likely chance of murdering, therefore, don't try to regulate guns. 

The impression that I get is that these kinds of arguments are sprung on people like riddles and you really can't engage with them on good faith because the premises are flawed to begin with. And then, as the recipient struggles with this tangle of logic, the speakers feels they've succeeded. I'm know this is common in many circles of many kinds.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

monday plan: untraceable fork

Tomorrow I'm going to a corn maze with the art teacher at the boarding school I worked with a few years ago. Should be fun!

I'd also like to get a good run in and start on a comic for the book I'm working on.

I had an idea for a magical item. It's the untraceable fork. By all appearances it is a regular fork but once it is placed, anyone trying to investigate its origins will be utterly thwarted. So if it were to be placed at the scene of a crime and stood out in a way so as to catch the attention of an investigator, trying to determine how it got there would lead them on a magical goose chase of never ending false leads and dead ends. Also the fork would be unable to have its outline traced. That's a magical item. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

aloe plant

my mom helped me repot this aloe plant. I took it from the first house I lived in when I moved to Charlottesville. It's got drainage in the pot now and we removed some of the leaves/plants and Mom is gonna plant them separately. The plant just didn't look very happy so I think having new soil and a better pot will help it.

I like how hardy this little plant is and how it's something I've taken care of and kept with me since moving here. It makes me happy to see it and I've also used the leaves when I've been sunburned! 

I think I'll make more posts about more plants in and around the house.

I enjoy making things and on days when I do nothing but run and make art or write I feel really good. Sometimes self-management is tricky. If there's nothing I have to do then it can be harder to do anything and then I don't feel as good. But overall it's all good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Focus Mode

Used this mode on my phone to block apps that I check too much but can't justify deleting altogether. Mostly Instagram. I didn't think it would work too well because I've tried things like that before and they're too easy to cheat.

But it ended up being good! I kept it on until 8pm and it was good. Now I have it back on. I always like Thursdays at camp because we worked all day and there's no service out there. So I was completely unable to check my phone. It felt way better than when I can check constantly. That's a yucky feeling.

Good day today. Got outside and worked on my big drawing more. I'm excited about it. Used up all the ink in the King-sized sharpie so gotta go buy a new one now.

running is going great.

Monday, September 14, 2020

What is My Plan

 I've been thinking a lot about this time where I'm not really working. I'm not too upset about it. It's not really my fault and I did have a job lined up and I still might have a job in the near future so I'm trying to make the most of this time and remind myself that financially it's not too big of an ask.

My Main Priorities:

-illustrate a camp book. this is my most legitimate occupation at the moment. I'm gonna start soon I imagine and we'll see where this leads. I'm not sure for how long I'll be doing this but I imagine it could take a while!

-put art into the community. I've been putting stuff on craigslist free stuff for a while now and it's surprised me how meaningful an enterprise it's been. It's put me in touch with a lot of cool people and I'm curious to see what can happen if I invest more time in it. I also just like the idea of people having my art in their homes and stuff. I think that's so cool. I want to make things and just get them out there.

    -side note: it was really fun to do art in public today. I'd like to keep doing that as well. Maybe I could go to IX art park and do things there as well. It was nice to be outside, drawing, listening to music, see all the people going by, getting occasional compliments. Very much satisfied my need for attention, interaction, drawing, and being outside. 10/10. What am I gonna do when it gets cold? Be cold? Who knows. What's anyone gonna do when it gets cold. It's about to be a wild time. 

-work on a game. For the past, I don't know, 4 years, I've been working on some kind of game. They've reached various stages of completeness but this one I think could be really good. I'm excited about it. 

-get really fit! I can be off my feet for large amounts of the day and that's really great for running and climbing and having energy for those activities. If I don't get in the best shape of my life now, gosh, I don't know. Pretty disgraceful. 

For the most part, I really like having a job. I like having a place to be at a certain time and making a regular paycheck and working with kids. I wish I could be doing that. I imagine babysitting gigs are super easy to find right now but, I'm not at that point. It's not joblessness. It's an investment in self-actualization. Yeah.

Some Moments Of Joy Part One

 I woke up this morning and wanted to find my radio/mp3 speaker so I could have music while I drew outside. Couldn't find it.

Drove out to Camp Albemarle, where I was for the last day of camp about a week and a half ago. I thought, there's no way I left it there and if I did, there's no way it's still there.

IT WAS THERE! Pretty amazing. Someone had arranged it nicely on a porch railing and it still worked!

As I was driving back home, jamming to my music, a girl rolled up next to me to use the right turn lane and she was also rocking out. I moved up a little so she would notice that I was also car dancing and we both pointed at each other and said, "YEAH!"

Then MaMa and Mom liked my picture/started following me on Instagram. THANKS :D

I took my big piece of plywood, it's probably like 2'x6' and drew on a little field in UVA. Some nice people walked by and said nice things to me. That felt good.

I went to goodwill to get some clothes to paint on and found the best fitting pair of jeans I have ever worn. I'm gonna paint pizza on the butt pockets.

My run was good. I ran way too hard and way too fast but that's okay. Better than too hard and too slow!

Oh! My friend Chris is in Richmond for a few days so I'm gonna go visit here tomorrow. That will be fun!

Good Day.

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Spent a little too much time on my phone today. I've been listening to audiobooks and short stories while I draw. It's a lot of Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E Howard.

Smith was a big inspiration for Lovecraft and Howard wrote Conan the Barbarian which had a huge influence on Gary Gygax and Dungeons and Dragons. Conan is kinda unreadable because Howard can't seem to get out of the way of his misogyny and racism. He really goes out of his way to jam it in there. Smith is less glaring, he focuses more on creepy old wizards and magic and stuff.

But anyway I'm drawing a lot and making stuff but also just checking Instagram TOO MUCH. So I'm gonna make an effort to do less of that tomorrow and only check it after like 8pm. 

I have a large plywood board that I've started drawing on and I plan to go outside and work on it tomorrow. Should be a nice day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Don't Have Much to Say

 Yesterday I went to Michael's and bought some stuff and when I go to places and pay with cash I bring along this little change purse thing so I can give exact change because I think the change shortage is still going on. Anyway the total is 14.29 so I pay with a 20 and I intended to give 30 cents so she would only have to give me a 5 and a penny. I guess I forgot to give her a nickel because she started giving me back 96 cents in change. And I said, "oh no! that's not what I wanted to do." Now I was basically the most amount of change a person could receive. The cashier was really nice and I apologized a couple times and she said it was fine. Then, for some reason, as I was walking to my car I kept repeating to myself, "Well, if I'm gonna mess up this badly I might have to stop smoking so much crack." 

I said it, like, a bunch of times to myself. And found it really funny. So. Here ya go.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Adventures in Independent Work

 It's weird adjusting to different kinds of productivity. Like, for the past 13 weeks I've gotten very used to a specific kind of productivity which involved getting out of bed at a certain time, preparing breakfast and lunch, and then getting out the door to be at camp all day. Where I would do a lot of stuff. And then when I got home I would just run, make dinner, maybe write/answer an email, and go to bed. I did about as little as possible at home. Now I'm getting the feel for making up tasks for myself at home and finding reasons to get out of the door and do stuff. 

I'm not complaining. I've felt pretty productive today. I was slow to get out of bed and dragging my feet over some pretty simple tasks. But, like I said, I think that's a function of adjusting to a different type of productivity. 

I have some ideas for projects I want to work on. I feel weird saying them before I've officially done anything but I plan to track progress on this blog. 

(* o *) ~~~~~~

Sunday, August 30, 2020

rearranged my room this weekend

I've been making a lot more art as camp is winding down and I'm taking another week off running.

feels really good to have my bed fully set up and my art room set up. ready for a super productive Fall!!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Gas Station Reflection

 So the first day I moved to Charlottesville on December 1st, 2015, I drove over in the morning, went to a work orientation, went to work, and then that night it was raining really hard and I got turned around and left the wrong way from the school. I got pretty lost and I ended up stopping at this Shell Gas Station on Rt 250. Today I needed gas and I stopped at that same gas station because it's one of the closer ones to where I live now. And I thought back to the first time I stopped there and how I felt kinda lost and cold and a little defeated. I was in this new place where I didn't really know anyone or anything or how to get anywhere.

And today I thought about how all of that has changed. Through my job, I matter to people in this community and I'd like to think I make some people's day a little better when I go into work. And I've had several jobs here and met a lot of people and learned a lot and done a lot. In a lot of ways, I've made it. I've done the thing. I did it my way.

Quote to Reflect on Tomorrow: “It is not without cause that men feel the burden of their existence, though they are themselves the cause of those burdens.” -Kant

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

had some decent talks today

It can be hard to hold conversations while kayaking. There's a lot going on. Sometimes kids just don't want to talk to you. They want to talk to their friends or be in their own head and you're just an adult to keep them safe. That's good too. It can be good to get out of the way. 

Tomorrow I want to talk about friendships and what it is to be a good friend. 

roommate bonding time

My roommate asked me to help him move a mattress and box spring out of a side room so he could take pictures of them to sell them. I said sure. I go into the room and hit the side of my foot on a weird rake and bled all over the floor and didn't help him move anything.

good job me!

Monday, August 10, 2020

i should be sleeping

but I jad a thought about being more intentional at camp. I've kinda let myself slip into a grouchy man a bit. It's hard to maintain energy all summer. But anyway, upon some reflection after what I just wrote in that earlier post 

I'd like to be:

-someone who consistently raises large questions enthusiastically and asks questions that don't get asked a lot. Really find out what young people think about life. That gives me a lot of energy.

-be absurdist

It would be a good exercise to plan some questions and topics to discuss before each day. I really like working from a large abstract starting point rather than trying to piece something together out of factoids. Remember to listen and ask lots of questions. Really listen. Be explicit about subtext and underlying assumptions. 

good moment of today

The river gives a good feeling of forward progress. 

I like my job because I like interacting with people. One opportunity I could be more aware of is asking questions. Or telling stories. 

Tomorrow I want to start a conversation about leadership. What does it look like? What does it mean?

how does it relate to the question: do you tell jokes to make people laugh or to make people think you're funny?

it's a good weekend

a lesson I reminded myself of today was

don't be afraid to try. don't be afraid to fail.

And that made me feel good. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Time for a Rest Week

The 1600 did not go well. About 600m in I knew it was not my day and despite feeling good before the start, I just didn't have it. I haven't really taken a down week since February. I've taken a day off a couple of times but never a week dedicated to resting. So that will be this week. Hopefully I will feel less exhausted and my legs will have a chance to fully recover. I've banked a lot of fitness, I need to give the body some time to absorb it. When I ran my best races, I was consciously taking a down week about every 4th week. That was also when I was running high mileage and the rest felt like it was dropping the mileage. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

big tired

Yesterday was big intensity and a big lift. Then several miles of kayaking in the morning. I never stop. But I am slowed. And today I was slow. Tomorrow will be very easy in anticipation for Friday.

Fatigue definitely ebs and flows. I'm going really hard on my hard days. It might be time to really cut my mileage and try to get really fast. We'll see.

Two main thoughts today:

It's not anyone's job to convince you why they feel the way they do about you.


People don't remember what you said or what you did,  they remember how you made them feel.


beyond tired is a vastness of energy

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

solid work

24 minutes of 90s seconds fast/ 30 seconds easy. Covered about 4 miles. There was lightning but it was chill and not insanely hot.

Then I climbed and lifted. I'm trying to get good at lifting heavy things. Strong.

I can't guarantee that the 4:45 mile on Friday might feel easy. But it might feel easy. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Trails are for Free

Another excellent run thanks to a solid warm up. Don't know why I was toiling for so long on dead legs when I could have taken a few minutes to get them loose and work on speed.

Tomorrow I think I'll do 25 minutes of 90 seconds fast, 30 seconds moderate after climbing and lifting. And then Friday I'll run a 4:45 1600.

I found 2 good knots in my right calf just now. Massage is something I could be more on top of.

I've been stacking up a bunch of good days for months now. And with the heat and I'm banking so much fitness when it cools down.

I'll end by saying I had a moment on the trails today where I felt truly truly free. Those are good moments.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Golden Age of Running Vlogs

There's an explosion of running youtubers right now. Particularly in Boulder, CO. And I have been absorbing all of the videos. It's been good motivation.

Yesterday was another great long run. 16 miles with 2x 4 miles at around 5:48 pace. I feel really strong and confident in those. Then I had a good lift in the evening. I'm focusing on higher weight and lower reps for leg strengthing. Deadlifts, squats, single leg squat-lunges, glute bridges, etc.

I saw an interesting video about how the soleus, around the calf muscle, is a huge part of force generation during the push off phase of running. I haven't targeted that muscle in lifting but for years my calves and specifically the soleus have been sore. So that's likely a weakness I can address. Also I think I lack power in general, relative to aerobic fitness. So this could have double benefits of being less sore and also faster.

Today was an easy run. I did a short jog to a nice grass field that's going unused due to COVID but is not locked. One of the pretty obvious realizations I had is that I should do warm up stretches and drills early in every run, not just hard efforts. On easy days I'll save that stuff for the end but often that means I do the whole run feeling stiff and trashy and with poor range of motion. Today would've been one of those days if I hadn't stretched and done strides and drills early.

It's probably a hold over from college when I could seemingly go out the door and start feeling good on any given day. Warm ups were optional. Those days seem to be past. But when I'm on, I'm as good as I've ever been. Excited to see what strengthening my calves can do for me and also continuing to develop speed while also getting in high quality long runs. 

I'll try to do daily check ins more often.

you're doing good, alex

Sunday, July 19, 2020

believe in myself

I think I spend most of all the time in 80+ and 90+ temperatures. And I'm doing good training in it. I think really good things are going to happen in running in the Fall.

poor man's altitude

in the truck

I had an amazing evening drive today in my truck. I went over to camp to drop off some art supplies for tomorrow. The radio was playing good music, the sky magnificent, and I thought of Pa Pa and how he had driven in that same truck. Good moment.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

being 12

"I just wanted to observe a toad but all I could hear was the F word.

Saturday, July 4, 2020


I think part of my identity and thinking about the narrative of my life for the past two years or so has been that I'm waiting for things to happen. I've probably already talked about this several times on here but I've been thinking about it again so here you go. 

Around 2018 I started to think that it was only a (short) amount of time until I accomplished some goals that I had like becoming a supervisor at afterschool or becoming a director at a camp or other things like being in a long-term relationship. I was thinking that I was ready for those things to happen and I was doing the right things for them to happen and I just needed to be patient and wait for the opportunity which I thought would be just around the corner. 

I still think that's mostly true but it also led to a lot of feeling a bit down about myself. I wasn't giving value to what I was capable of doing in that moment. I was focusing on things that I felt like should happen soon and then when they weren't happening I'd spend too much time in my own head. 

Lately I've felt more satisfied with myself and what I'm trying to accomplish. A big part of that was going home to Harrisonburg and not really working and focusing on myself. Also dating a little and deciding that that's not something that I really want to invest too much energy in right now. I'm doing some of the best training that I've ever done--coming up on a year of consistent running. I'm leading an adventure day camp that takes up a ton of time and energy where I get to go out in the area and explore with cool co-counselors and cool kids. And I sleep really well at night and I'm getting paid. This week I was thinking a lot about how cool it is that this is what I get to do with my day. As a job. 

It's a matter of conviction. Saying, "this is what I do to be the best that I can be." Instead of, "this what I do while I'm waiting for my real life to start." It's happening already. Right now. This is it.