Monday, December 14, 2020

I've Lived in Charlottesville for 5 years now

 I guess it was 5 years about two weeks ago but I didn't think about the occasion. Usually I think about it when I'm at working at afterschool because that was the thing I did on the first day I moved to Charlottesville. I remember I posted some nice pictures of snow last year and talked about how I'd improved in a lot of ways. I think that's still true. No snow so far this year. I guess we got a little bit one morning this week but it didn't really stick.

I've probably said this before but I think the things I like to do aren't generally seen as important or a big part of, I guess, in general, what we consider to be "going on" in the world. What I'm saying is in reflecting on this year, when everything got "disrupted" it felt like it just gave me more time to do what I want to do. I kinda felt like all that work I was doing and those two jobs I had were disrupting my life.

That's not entirely true. I really like afterschool and I can tell that I miss the kids a lot. It makes me sad. 

What am I saying? Something I've told myself a lot during these past few months is to make the most of the opportunities I have right now. I might not get them again. I have this feeling though that I won't be satisfied with what I get out of this time. It's not like I can just run my best race or climb really well and make a good drawing during these COVID times that will satisfy me for the rest of my life. I'll always want more and I'll always want to find ways to improve. But maybe this is a time where I can make more progress than I otherwise would have. I think that's definitely been true. 

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