Thursday, December 17, 2020

Running Right Now

Areas I'm addressing

massage- I have really big knots in my calves, lower legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes. I'm really trying to do a good job with massage and rolling and releasing all those muscles. This is something I've neglected for years and probably a big part of why I felt bad a lot of days. 

flexibility- I've been working on this for months and I think I've made a lot of improvements. My hips and calves have become a lot less tight. I really did not have good range of motion. 

core/strength- I started lifting this year and have recently started doing core and I'm notice improvements. I was weak. 

drills- I don't think I was doing the best job of applying force when I strike the ground. I think I was focused on lifting my knees. This is something I'm still refining but I also see improvements. 

When I spend a day focusing on all of these in addition to an actual run it ends up taking like 3 hours. But I think it's good and productive that I'm rebuilding myself and when I get back to doing hard workouts and races I'll have this frame that's stronger and more resilient. That's the idea anyway...

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