Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday of This Week

 there are 66 days left in 2020. And I need to write 56 more posts to get to 200. Should be doable!

This week I want to make 3 comics for the summer camp book. I want to run a good workout on Wednesday. I want to be in a mindset where I feel energized to do cool stuff and share those things with others. 

I bought this canned stir fry from Kroger last week and it was SUPER salty and then I got really dehydrated and was in bed/slept for 11 hours and did not feel like I was in the best head space this morning. The things that got me out of bed were the leafblower outside my window and my roommate reading his paper out loud downstairs. But here I am now!

I want to recognize how I feel and make a plan to start feeling better. I started a project yesterday that was pretty fun. I think I'll go work on that and then go climbing and then get groceries. And drink lots of water.

I don't hate Google's updated icons. I kind of like the colors. 

My spiritual thought of the day is that we are always remeeting each other as different people. We meet, we interact, we go off, we change, we meet again. We have to embrace change.

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