Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Every time I sit down to write I want to say how thankful I am for the people in my life and express gratitude. It needs to be repeated. The trick is figuring out how to say it in a different way. Or how to have fun with it. 

My dad told me about a 2001 Honda Civic parked in front of an international grocery store with only 140k miles on it and for only $1500. I guess I don't really want a project car though. I just want a dependable car that I can drive for awhile.

My friend Peyton told me he kept waking up every two hours because his new baby was just mumbling the whole night. And I like to imagine the baby was saying

So this is what being alive is like? Is it just this the whole time? How long have you guys been alive? Why is it dark now? Why is it dark now and when I close my eyes it's dark but sometimes it's light when my eyes are open but then it's never light when my eyes are closed? Explain that. Moving around? Rated? Overrated? Underrated? Am I the whole universe? What separates me from anything else? Hungry? Sleepy? It feels like my memories of everything that's ever happened to me are always informing my perception of the present. Is that normal?

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