Saturday, December 5, 2020

Long Run

 Woke up at 7 to run with Peyton this morning at Keene. We did 10 miles. I thought I would go to 100 minutes or 14 miles but I looked at my watch and saw 50 minutes and thought, "there's no way I'm doing another 50."

I still got in 72 minutes and I'm thinking I should be able to go out for another easy half hour this afternoon. That will probably have to be pretty soon actually.

I was really sore this morning. Probably somewhat from lack of sleep and mostly from weight training. But that's a good feeling. The thing I need to be careful with is injury. Whenever I take a really granular approach to running I always get really focused and push myself hard and then greatly increase the chance of injury. I have to be careful and smart.

Peyton suggested he could help pace me for a 1600 time trial in a couple weeks after I told him about my good mile pace workout last Monday. That would be a really good opportunity. I think this Wednesday I'll do a sub-5 1600, take 5 minutes rest, and then do 6x400 with 200m rest and try to run 69 or faster for each one. That should be really doable after running those paces pretty comfortably. I did that in June of 2015 the year I ran my current mile PR. If I can do that workout it would give me a lot of confidence to go for a fast mile the following week. It will probably also be weather dependent. Looks like perfect running weather so far. Highs in the 50s every day and no rain. 

There are no excuses to be mediocre right now. I have all the time I need to train and recover. This is my opportunity to get to a new level. 

Right now I should roll out and stretch and get ready for a short easy run.

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