Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Gas Station Reflection

 So the first day I moved to Charlottesville on December 1st, 2015, I drove over in the morning, went to a work orientation, went to work, and then that night it was raining really hard and I got turned around and left the wrong way from the school. I got pretty lost and I ended up stopping at this Shell Gas Station on Rt 250. Today I needed gas and I stopped at that same gas station because it's one of the closer ones to where I live now. And I thought back to the first time I stopped there and how I felt kinda lost and cold and a little defeated. I was in this new place where I didn't really know anyone or anything or how to get anywhere.

And today I thought about how all of that has changed. Through my job, I matter to people in this community and I'd like to think I make some people's day a little better when I go into work. And I've had several jobs here and met a lot of people and learned a lot and done a lot. In a lot of ways, I've made it. I've done the thing. I did it my way.

Quote to Reflect on Tomorrow: “It is not without cause that men feel the burden of their existence, though they are themselves the cause of those burdens.” -Kant

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