Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Healthy Way to Start the Day

 If I write every day from now until 2021 I think I can have over 200 posts for the year. Which I've done every year since 2013. 

Today I'm thinking about interview questions that I would like to ask people. The other day I listened to a little bit of Duncan Trussel because my sister and I watched the Midnight Gospel last winter and then that led to listening to Ram Dass. All of that kinda stuff really interests me. I also had a conversation with a friend and they talked about a podcast that explained what progressive Christianity is and how you can deconstruct your faith. That idea is really interesting to me but when I listened to the people talk about it, it didn't resonate with me personally as much as Ram Dass and Duncan Trussel and Alan Watts. 

Sometimes I wonder why terms like Jesus and God don't stick with me as much as they seem to really ring true for others. It seems self-evident and innate in a lot of people and for me I don't really feel like there's any kind of entry point into feeling god's presence or anything like that. But when I listen to someone like Ram Dass, that makes sense to me. Both approaches are headed in the same direction but starting at different points. Maybe. The whole goal seems to be talking about and connecting with something beyond your sensory experience and reason. And both end up getting to this point of absolute love and compassion and understanding.

Anyway, I'm thinking about all that and I'm thinking about how I really like having those kinds of conversations and learning what other people think about when you make those kinds of conversations possible. And I make a lot of art and often it's weird and so I'm hoping that by giving art to people it creates an occasion to have a conversation about their beliefs and also just whatever else that comes up. I think it's a fun space to be in. And then I think it would be fun to collect quotes and things and share those and kinda build upon it. We'll see! 

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