Wednesday, October 21, 2020

great workout this morning

 I did 10x 800 at 5 min mile pace. It's been a long time since I've done that much work that fast and it felt really good. I took a lot of rest so that contributed to the good feelings. Usually when I do a workout like that there comes a moment where I have to manage the pain and will myself to keep going. This morning I felt really in control the whole way and really confident. 

The past two workouts I've been doing easier versions of the workouts that the guys I train with are doing. They're in really good shape already and have been doing hard workouts for about two months now so I felt like I wasn't ready to attempt things at that level just yet. I don't think I would've been able to the 10x 1,000 that my friend did but I feel like the next workout is the time to go for it and see if I can hang on for the whole thing.

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