Sunday, October 4, 2020

I'm Getting Pretty Fit

I did 3 weeks of low mileage running with lots of drills, stretching, strides, and speed work. Then last week I focused more on higher mileage, averaging over an hour a day with some strides and pick-ups mixed in. 

Now I have some speed and I can also feel that my endurance has improved so it's time to put those together in some longer workouts at a moderate pace. I'll do a tempo, about 5 to 7 miles, each week for 3 weeks. The first one will hopefully be somewhere under 30 minutes and then it would be nice to progress that to somewhere around 28 minutes. Depending on the course. I'll also do some lighter workouts where I'll 6 to 8 times of 1 minute on, 2 minutes off. Or something like that. Maybe 30 on / 90 off. or 60s on / 60 off. We'll see.

I'm recovering really well between runs and seeing improvement every week so that is all great. Lots more work to be done!

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