Friday, October 30, 2020

Really Good Run

 I felt amazing on my run yesterday. I felt like I was glowing. I felt the polar opposite of injured. I was very aware of everything my body was doing but instead of being aware because of pain, it felt like I was more in control than normal. If I wanted to speed up or change my stride, I knew I could do it. That was a good feeling. I think in sports psychology they train you to notice when those moments happen and what they feel like and use them as a reference. And then I think you also pair them with words or phrases or something tangible so you can get back to that state. I know for me it usually happens the day after a hard but successful workout and when I'm hydrating and sleeping enough.

Anyway, as all of this was happening I also started to think about Paw Paw. I don't really know how to put into words what I felt but it was a good feeling. I don't know. It was just a really special moment.

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