Wednesday, November 25, 2020

California Prison Scam

A story came out today about california inmates claiming unemployment benefits. Much was made of just exactly who was applying for these benefits. Rapists, serial killers, etc...

Let's completely ignore the fact that the criminal justice system is clearly racially prejudiced and we have the highest incarcerated population IN THE WORLD, with a clear financial incentive to lock people up for cheap labor and private prisons, and the war on drugs lead to tons of sentences that have ruined people's lives AND




the handling of covid in the incarcerated population has been an absolute travesty!! It has ravaged prisons and no precautions or protections have been put in place. If you believe in justice then you must believe in honoring the rights for those who are incarcerated. If you believe in absolute, unrelenting torture and depravity for those charged in an imperfect system then I don't know how you could ever expect mercy or forgiveness that you are unwilling to give yourself. It's wrong. It's flat out wrong how people are treated in prisons. 

But hey! Look over here! The bad guys scammed you! They think it's a big joke. These criminal masterminds. It makes me sick how we can give attention to this narrative of "the bad guys in jail" while completely ignoring the hypocrisy and failings of the system as it is.