Wednesday, December 16, 2020

January 2020

What was I doing in January?

I started this decade and year and month waking up in a bed with my childhood friend Chad. 

I remember running track workouts at night at UVa after long days working. I was teaching art and doing afterschool. I got my passport either in late December or early January. 

My home situation was kind of devolving because my roommates were having a lot of struggles in their lives and I was trying to distance myself as much as possible. My own roommate had a relationship go sour around this time and I think it might have been in January that his then girlfriend had a breakdown in the middle of the night and he kicked her out of the house. it was weird. 

I spent most of my time working or running or climbing. I had just got my first pair of climbing shoes and chalk for Christmas and I think around then I started climbing more than once a week. 

I wouldn't say it was a great month. I forget what kind of art I was making around that time. Oh I just checked my pictures and I was making some trippy swirly art comic pieces and putting them on craigslist.

I ran my only official race of the year in January. An 8k in North Carolina with Peyton where I ran pretty well. 26:15 I think. I was pretty happy with that result. Little did I know what was about to unfold. 

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