Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas in Covid. Goals for 2021

Normally being home would mark a time of not working. But I haven't worked with kids since September. And I haven't worked a day at afterschool since Friday, March 13th.

I need to hydrate.

What are my goals for 2021?

-Run a PR. Preferably multiple PR's.

-climb a V6 at Rocky Top

- work from the summer until the winter and beyond!

- finish the camp book

- keep pursuing artistic interests. more woodworking??

I learned a lot in 2020. About myself and about other people and about the world. There's a lot I still don't know but one thing I know is that there is someone out there for me and I need to be patient and be open to possibilities and focus on being the person I want to be. 

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