Sunday, November 15, 2020

great long run and climb yesterday

I did 16 miles with 10 miles in the middle where I alternated between 5:35 miles and 6:20 miles. felt really really good!

And then I climbed with Michael. I felt a little tired but we climbed pretty much nonstop for 80 minutes. It was great.

Today I'm exhausted and have the most mild of headaches and just feel irritable. I took a nap in the afternoon so I must be really tired. My run was good though. Today I really focused on flexibility, mobility, good mechanics, and a little bit of speed and power. The run was short but I felt really good. I guess I just need a lot of rest. I don't like feeling super irritable and exhausted and also not wanting to do much of anything between running. But overall I'm doing well.

I think my roommate is somewhat difficult to be around. And without meaning to he kind of takes up all the common areas so I feel stuck in my room sometimes. I'd probably feel better if I felt more comfortable in more of the house. Some of that could also be me and maybe I'm not great at sharing spaces. Oh well. In the end it's still a good living situation and I'm doing good. I think all of this is a sign that I'm putting a good amount of stress on my body and with good rest that will lead to good performance!!!!

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