Sunday, September 13, 2020


Spent a little too much time on my phone today. I've been listening to audiobooks and short stories while I draw. It's a lot of Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E Howard.

Smith was a big inspiration for Lovecraft and Howard wrote Conan the Barbarian which had a huge influence on Gary Gygax and Dungeons and Dragons. Conan is kinda unreadable because Howard can't seem to get out of the way of his misogyny and racism. He really goes out of his way to jam it in there. Smith is less glaring, he focuses more on creepy old wizards and magic and stuff.

But anyway I'm drawing a lot and making stuff but also just checking Instagram TOO MUCH. So I'm gonna make an effort to do less of that tomorrow and only check it after like 8pm. 

I have a large plywood board that I've started drawing on and I plan to go outside and work on it tomorrow. Should be a nice day!

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