Thursday, October 22, 2020

Daily Blarble

 I have a group of friends from college that I play Dungeons and Dragons with and last night I posed the question to our group chat:

    "If, on some level, my character exists and was created by me, a higher dimensional intelligence, then what if I am also the character being used in a turn-based role playing game?"

Well, you could say that obviously isn't true because our existence is way more detailed and elaborate than any D&D game. Maybe. We know our own brains are filling in information that isn't really there all the time. 

I really only like theories about why we exist if they can inform how we might best exist. What we should do with life is way more interesting than why we have it. In the case of a role playing game, I don't know.

We did have a good discussion about the differences between living your life as a player character or an NPC (non-player character). Are you doing things that main characters in a story would do or are you a background character? That gets back to a question I asked the kids when I was student teaching in a 9th grade English classroom, "would you rather live a long, safe, boring life or a short but passionate one?"

At the time I said the long but boring one. I think I still stand by that. Although maybe I'm less sure of that than I was at the time. 

My favorite advice is still from Waking Life and it's to live as if you're a dream character in another person's dream.

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