Friday, October 16, 2020

Having Myself a Day

I was driving back from my run and feeling pretty good. Relationship things have not been breaking my way recently and I was getting kind of down about it. But after running I felt like I was able to be apart from those feelings and just look at them for what they are. So that felt good.

And then I pulled up to the next stoplight and look over and the girl in the driver's seat is laughing uncontrollably. I think she was in a car full of people. Anyway she might have just been laughing already but then we made eye contact and she started laughing even harder. 

So, I don't know. Was she laughing at me? I don't know. I guess I was in my running clothes and maybe looked silly. I didn't feel like anything I was doing warranted uproarious uncontrollable laughter.

Anyway, two lights later, I'm at a busy red light and I see the car coming up is turning so I think, okay, I can cut in here while the car is turning. As I'm making the turn I hear a motorcycle engine revving really loudly. I must not have seen them between the car that I was getting behind and the car that was turning. They gave me a death look as they went around me and then sped off and gave me the finger for good measure.

Well, I felt bad. And now I feel bad. Just kinda going through it right now. At least no one was hurt. 

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