Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 I'm sitting here and I guess I should start writing. I threw up a little bit in my mouth this morning while lying in bed. I can't remember the last time that happened. So that's interesting.

Today I want to get some illustrations done for the book and also send out more mail to people. 

One thing I'd like to talk to people about is trying to find things we believe without question and trying to get to a place where that belief or assumption makes zero sense. Like, when you learn about practices and beliefs from a different time or place and it hits you like "why would you ever think that?" It seems really hard to find within yourself.

Sometimes I walk down the street in my pajamas and I go sit on a retaining wall above a sidewalk and a busy street and I just sit there and eat fruit or hang out and watch people. It's really not a place for sitting or doing anything and you can tell, especially people in cars, are confused by it. It's fun though. The sunlight is good. And then that got me thinking about people who stand in the medians at busy traffic lights and interstate ramps. I think that's one of those things that we accept that is probably insane. People who are experiencing homelessness. I think it's ridiculous that we let that happen to people.

And the story that we make up about it. Well, they're dangerous. Drugs. It's drugs. They can't be helped. They refused to play the game. Some people are just like that. It happens everywhere. 

It seems like, if you allow people to be homeless, if you allow for this group of people who seemingly have nothing and can only get ahead by exceptional circumstances, then you have this backstop that will drive people to work very hard for very little out of fear. You don't want to end up like them. That's also a big part of white supremacy. A lot of poor whites in the South didn't want slavery to end even though it didn't benefit them in any way because it created a status that they were always above, by definition. 

I'm sure in a lot of ways I have no idea what I'm talking about right now but I think it's interesting to take a concept like homelessness and say, that makes zero sense, why are you okay with that? Maybe it changes your approach if you come from a place of, "the society that allows this to happen is sick and this shouldn't be a thing" rather than, "this is a problem that is innate and part of the natural universe across space and time that we will confront the best we can." Maybe?

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