Tuesday, December 19, 2023

things I would do for various amounts of cash

 $1- for one dollar I would call you on a day of your choosing and ask how is it going for real? and use active listening skills for 5 to 30 minutes depending on how interesting the conversation is

$5- for five dollars I would give you a ride within a 15 minute radius even if it's slightly inconvenient for me

$10- I would give you a small to medium piece of enchanted wood

$20- for twenty dollars I would clean your kitchen especially if the drain is clogged with wet food matter and you need someone to reach their hand in and pull it out because that is my superpower for real

$50- for fifty dollars I will dress up in a spooky disguise and deliver a haunting to one person or a small group of people BUT ONLY for the purpose of correcting their wicked ways

$100-for one hundred dollars you can choose the clothes I wear for an entire week but not to work and you can't make me go anywhere I don't want to. this one is kind of lame. For one hundred dollars you can also have a large piece of enchanted wood

$200- you can't give me two hundred dollars. that's obscene. no one should give anyone that much money. that's bribery. that's a crime. you can't just give someone two hundred dollars without telling the IRS about it. no. it's too much power. there's very little I wouldn't do. I must refuse on principle.

for $199 I will stage a mock funeral for you and you can watch from a secret enclosure and listen to all the beautiful things everyone says about you AND I will plant three juicy revelations in the crowd that will make everyone realize that there was a lot more to you than they thought


Anonymous said...

How much can I trust you to keep your word, cause I’ve got 10$ and a small to medium piece of enchanted wood hole in my heart.

Andy Lawrence said...

shoot I've got 2 to 3 enchanted wood pieces ready to go!