Sunday, December 10, 2023

ran well at keene

 Did a great 14 mile long run today. Felt really controlled for the first 7 mile loop and was running nearly 6 minute pace and then went harder for the second 7 miles and averaged somewhere in the high 5:40s. Happy with my attitude going into it and during the run. My endurance is great and I should probably work on running at faster paces. I felt like I could have kept going but trying to go faster than 5:45 felt overly difficult.

This week I averaged under 7 minute mile pace for 66 miles. Every run except one was under 7 minute pace so that's pretty exciting. I hope to keep that up and continue to become even more comfortable under 7 minute pace!

#8 all time for 2 keene loops! nice! most people in front of me are/were professional runners!

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