Friday, December 29, 2023

monster territory

 After Sunday I will have stacked 19 weeks of running between 65 and 67 miles. BUT! On the week of November 20th, Thanksgiving week, a transformation happened. A terrific turkey transformation. I went from taking 8+ hours to running a weeks worth of miles to sub 8 hours. And I've held that through the end of the year and will hold it into the foreseeable future.

And this progression has got me thinking about monster territory levels of fitness. Right now I can run 7 min- 6:50 miles and it's an honest easy pace. That pace used to be pushing it. And now moderate is like 6:30 pace and if I hit a downhill section I can run sub-6 without going too too hard but really only one mile. But everything's still progressing. If I could get 6:30 pace to feel truly easy and start stringing together multiple sub-6 miles in a regular run without compromising workouts then that would be beastly fitness. Monstrous even. Abominable levels of cruising. Workouts are more important still. I don't want to compromise those just to be the guy who is hammering his easy days but the idea is lurking and if it were to happen, say, before the 10 miler in March, I'd be pretty siked.

We shall see.

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