Wednesday, December 13, 2023

here's a bit I tried

you go up to a group of people talking and you pick one person and say, "Isn't it crazy how when X isn't here we just sit around and say, "where's X? I wonder what X is doing." And then if it goes anywhere you talk about how X is the main character. 

I tried another bit today stolen from a picture I saw where I acted like I finally figured out that Tuesday always comes after Monday and it just keeps repeating like that the whole time, every week.

Here's a third bit. I'm gonna come up with a good one.

When someone is telling you something, you just restate what they said back to them so they know they've been heard. That's a killer bit and demonstrates good listening skills.

Oh I did an actual bit today where this kid wanted rental shoes, I coach him and he always gets a rental shoes, and I grabbed a scrap of paper and made a quick "Rental Shoe Request Form" and made up all these things he had to answer before he could get his shoes. 

That's a good bit. There you go. I knew I'd get it.

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