Thursday, December 14, 2023

woke up to a jackhammer jackhammering

 It was like 8am and they were ripping up the parking lot in front of my apartment because there's a big leak somewhere and we got an email about it earlier.

and the jackhammer was like BRABRABRABRABRABRABRA!

And I was like, "nooooo, I wanna sleeeeeeep"

And then somehow, half asleep, my reaction was to coax myself into this state of perfect acceptance and willingness for the world to be as it is and I had this dream where I went with a friend to a bank or something and we started talking to the employees and had this crazy natural rapport and there was immediate chemistry and I don't really understand what exactly was happening but I remember thinking in the dream, I should totally make a move, I should make a move

And then I woke up and the jackhammering was done and it was 11:11.

Oh and as I was going to sleep the night before I was thinking about Brandi Carlile's song Dreams and what a good song it is.

So, thanks to me for giving myself a nice dream to take my mind off the terrible noise

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