Friday, December 8, 2023

regular update

 Been posting a lot of strange things lately so I figured I'd do a more normal update about how things are going.

In short, really good!

Running continues to be really fun and there's very much this virtuous cycle where I'll do some lifting/strength/activation work and then have a great run so I'll do even more strength stuff and have an even better run and it's got me really psyched on running and working out. Near an all time high I'd say.

Climbing is going well. I'd say it's a little on the backburner but I'm definitely enjoying it.

Creatively I'm not doing as much but I'm really having fun getting stronger and I'm okay with that.

Here's the other thing I'll say: for the past at least 5 or 6 years I've had this feeling of like: man, remember in college when I could just go somewhere at any time and run into people that I knew and have a nice time? And I didn't have to schedule anything about it or spend money or make a bunch of plans. Why can't I have that again?

And I thought I never would and I'd just be at home alone and sad and making weird drawings and stuff. I do love making weird drawings but even more better is that I feel like I've reached a point at the gym where I can just go and hang out with the people there and I've realized my dream and I'm so happy about it that if I think about it too much I might cry so I'm just going to drink my smoothie and watch more youtube videos but dang it's smooth rolling right now.

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