Sunday, December 24, 2023

in 2024 we're taking big meaty swings

today I did 5xmile on the road and I told myself during the warm-up I was going to swing for dingers out there. Really put my whole foot in the workout up to the ankle and see what kind of juice I could squeeze out. You know, of the grape vat. Are you following? I'm talking about taking the ol hatchet and seeing how fat of an oak I can chop before the sun goes down and the wolves start prowling. I'm talking about ordering the item on the menu where if you finish the plate then it's free. A sink or swim situation. Otherwise known as going to the well.

Do you know why the call it going to the well? Used to be that children would get sent out to the well to gather water for the household and if they didn't bring back any water it was because of their impish nature and they were forced to sleep outside with the alpacas and beasts of burden. Right? So when you go all the way to the well you hope you find water and even if you do, you still gotta take it all the way back home. On top of the highest peak. Because that's where winners build their houses. And that's the best case scenario.

I got distracted. No the point was that I wanted to take a step up and really challenge myself to run a pace I hadn't in a while and I was nervous because subconsciously I've been playing it safe for the past few years because part of me is scared of the workouts I did six or seven years ago. But I'd like to start betting on myself again because I've got renewed confidence now. I've stacked a lot of consistent volume and most importantly I've been doing daily hip exercises to build sturdy, beef-ridden hip muscles and such so when I'm running I'm not leaking out all that kinetic energy with every step. If you've got wishy-washy weak hips then the leg won't hold steady and all that energy is for naught. It's getting converted into heat and entropy and you know what they say, "entropy don't win no trophies"

I'm out of my wandering in the desert phase. I'm in my, "let's go out and try to hit dingers again" phase. Or imagine if Michael Jordan was just kind of good at basketball and then he went and played baseball for some reason and was bad and then went back to being okay at basketball. Right? I'm out of the baseball phase and into the second basketball phase.

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