Monday, December 4, 2023

different categories of people: includes 100% of human population

First up are your masters of evil. These people dress in black and purple and have prominent skull motifs. They are often plotting and growing their forces ever stronger. Statistically they will not be stopped and you will do well to align yourself with them and vie for a choice position amongst their ranks.

Soup Preparer: They are medium at most things. What is life if not a bunch of wet lumps in a warm puddle. The soup preparers do a lot of thankless tasks because they are driven by the love of the game but their lack of will to dominate others prevent them from ever becoming a master of evil.

Jolly Ol' Souls: These people are wise beyond their years and they have hobbies where you're like, what the heck? that's not a traditional pasttime? They also dabble in antique sounding phrases. Like swell and goodness gracious

Southern Belles: These are sophisticated women, usually in the Georgia/South Carolina region who enjoy minty juleps on the veranda.

Ok there you go. That's the four types. And then everyone is either one or some combination of them. I'd say I'm mostly a soup preparer and then like a small mix of the other 3 depending on what the situation calls for. Go up to someone in a public square and ask them which one they are.

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