Thursday, December 7, 2023

counselor flow

I'm moving different.

I'm moving crazy.

I'm moving like 2020 covid camp. I stay out of arm's reach and reveal my mouth to no one.

I'm sneaking popsicles out of the guard shack every 15 minutes like clockwork. Excuse me I've got an engulfing appointment.

For reading time I switch into a flow state and relay the latest goings-ons of the spirit realm.

I end the game like deus ex machina.

I don't learn names I just point and yell like a point and yell adventure game.

I've weighed the sins in my heart against a goose feather and lived to tell the tale.

This job ain't nothing to me, man.

I won Maupin's so many times they made me a rewards card member.

I won Maupin's so many times I started buying items in bulk.

I found a rock that looks like Vincent Price.

I found a rock that looks like winrar.exe

I found a rock that looks like Yog-Sothoth, the Lurker at the Threshold.

I found a rock that looks like USB dongle.

Last camper that tried getting out of their seat during lunch time got reintroduced to their own identity. I started them back at square numero uno. I took away their object permanence just so I could hand it back with a note on it that said, "next time you might not be so lucky"

I've been on twelve airplane hikes. 

I put the rip in rip-rap and the rap in rip-rap. I put the rip-rap in rip-rap.

For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.

Last year I won so many games of Elijahball I had to beg myself for forgiveness.

I'm on emotional probation.

I've counted the stars above the Camp Albemarle field and found them to be lacking.

I found a rock that looks like a skinwalker.

I own a second telephone with Princess Extinguish's number in it.

I am a collector of souls.

The campers offered a sacrifice during capture the flag and I demanded twelve Oxen of the Sun be burned in a bathtub full of SPF 87 sunscreen.

Put gold coins on my eyes because I'm trying to get called first for seconds.

I left the Marshmallow Fairy on read but then added her to my close friends story.

I got a letter just this morning it was post-marked Omaha.

I don't pay no unions dues. If I had a dollar for every time I paid union dues I'd be broke because I don't pay no union dues.

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