Saturday, October 28, 2023

updates on climbing and running

 HUGE progress on the project. Kinda crazy. First go of the day and got two or three moves from the top. Was really happy with that. Rested for about 10 minutes and tried again and was reaching for the finish hold! 

I guess I should've expected that I would become more efficient on the climb and that I would adjust to doing more moves somewhat quickly but I really thought I was a week or more from sending and then I almost did it! Unless I feel bad for some reason I'll expect to send it on Monday but at this point I'm not too stressed about it. I've done all the moves but the last one and I have about two and a half weeks to finish it. Very exciting.

One thing I did a lot of with this climb because it's so long and has a lot of moves was visualizing and rehearsing the climb in my mind. Usually at the end of the day. That was probably the main reason the first part went so quickly and I had more energy for the rest of the climb. It's definitely something I'll keep practicing.

Had a good rest of the session and continued to practice doing 10+ moves on steep. I feel pretty comfortable with power endurance and pushing myself because I think it's something that I've trained a lot with running.

Speaking of running! Broke 5 in the mile for 2023 so the streak is extended to 15 years. I knew I could do it but it was fun to run on the track at the same time my mom was working out and I'm happy with the effort I brought to it. The sun was brutal today! It truly felt like a hot summer day. 

Some days I break 5 because I start running and there's a lot of spring in my step and I know I can do it. Today was a day where I felt average and I did it because I knew I could will myself to do it. Both have their place. 

I went through the first 409 meters right around 75 or 76. I wanted a little bit faster but I felt okay. I tried to relax and came through half way in 2:33. Not an ideal place to be but I figured I might as well finish and see how close I can get. Pushed again for the third lap and came through 1209 in 3:47 and told myself to sprint the last lap. With 200 meters to go I was at about 4:21 so I was back on pace and still not fading. Emptied the tank for a 4:58.37. I ran the last 400 in about 70 or 71 which I'm really happy with. 

Got that checked off finally so I now I can have fine trying to get some Strava segments for the rest of the year. I'll probably run a mile again in November and December when I'm back in Harrisonburg for the holidays. I'd like to get the segment on Park Rd which will take about a sub 5 minute effort. 

Good two days of performance!

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