Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I'm gonna rank every type of person I can think of for like 15 minutes

 people who make things: People who make things are like demi-gods amongst the earth. They transmute their life force energy into doodads and googaws and art and music and inventions and crafts and that's enriching the planet. That's improving the lives of everyone that encounters their creations. As long as it's from a place of creative joy. Or maybe joy is the wrong word. The creative urge. Yeah they're great.

people who listen and ask great questions: This is a rare and precious diamond of a person. They're simple carbon that has been hardened and had their molecules perfectly aligned in a crystalline matrix by a good upbringing and positive role models

vegetarians: aka people who don't eatsa the meatsa on the pizza. they're pretty cool

people who close: They're the last ones to leave. That's dedication. I think as a society we prioritize waking up early way too much. We know it's bad for us. We know most people aren't getting enough sleep. We know lack of sleep is killing us. And yet we valorize this self-destructive borderline criminal behavior. Go back to bed. People who close though. They get it. End on a strong note. Save the best for last.

people who use behaviors instead of their words: They're working on it. Or maybe they're not working on it. And maybe because of all the behaviors they keep pushing people away who could help them. It's like having a big ol stinky fart cloud around you all the time. Except the farts are behaviors. When you could use you words like saying "Excuse me". Or like soap. Words are like the soap of your reputation. 

people who drive too fast: slow down. stop being in a race to die. we're all gonna get there. no need to rush.

people who can whistle: people who can whistle peaked around 2010. and then later kid cudi made humming cool all by himself. humming is cool. humming is like the crayon drawing of music. humming is like hugging. think about this, remember that scene in kill bill where the one lady is dressed up as a nurse and she's walking to the room uma thurman is in and she's got that needle and twisted nerve is playing and it's got that scary whistling. imagine if that was humming. think about that.

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