Tuesday, October 31, 2023

I will never stop talking about elmo saves christmas and halloween

 As we all know, in Elmo Saves Christmas, Elmo wishes for it to be Christmas every day. And then he sees that Christmas can't be every day because it interferes too much with regular life. But here's what I'll say. Here's what I think. 

Halloween could be every month. We could alter it slightly but more or less the tradition of dressing up and going around to get treats and goodies could be on the last day of every month and we'd be a better society for it. And yeah we could still go extra big for the Octoberween. 

But listen, it's not like the way we've got things set up now is perfect. Or even, good at all. Like, pretty much everyone agrees we need to make some changes. Why not start with Halloween every month? Why not? I guarantee you I would not get tired of wearing fun little costumes and giving out snacks to children. That builds a personal sense of identity and community. 

Make. Halloween. Every. Month.

Januween, Februween, Marween, Apriween, Mayween, Juneween, Julween, Augween, Septween, Halloween, Novemberween, Decemberween.

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