Thursday, October 12, 2023

I sold Bitey!

 When I first moved into my apartment the unit two doors down from me had these angry looking monster squirrel made of plaster and foil and I looked at it every day. Then that person moved out and left the monster by the trash so I swiped it and painted it and last week finally brought it to the climbing gym and no one liked it and everyone who saw it was like, "please don't keep that. please make it go away." 

So I then I put it in the display case where we sell the chalk and clif bars and they said if anyone offered to buy Bitey they would sell it for any amount of money so last night at the end of practice I sold Bitey myself for a dollar to an awesome kid and they were really happy with their purchase.

long live Bitey, the no-eyed squirrel with human teeth

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