Sunday, October 22, 2023

101 zen koans

 I found this audiobook on youtube of 101 zen koans. They're like these mini stories that make you go "huh. hmmm"

I like the structure. They're almost like jokes. It's the same principle where they present you with a certain frame of reference and then they usually subvert it in some way at the very end but it's often not supposed to be funny.

If there was a camp zen koan it would go like this,

"There once was a boy who wanted to be great at gagaball. He joined every game but he had no natural aptitude for it and would almost always get out immediately. He never made it to the final two. He never even made it to the final three. By July he was very frustrated and he went to the great zen master who was sitting in the creek looking at a cool bug. 

The boy said, "How can I be great at gagaball?"

The master replied, "What is the nature of a gagaball winner?"

The boy thought for a second, "Cool?"

The master said, "The winner of a game of gagaball is the one with control."

The boy meditated on this for a long time. About twenty minutes. Then he awakened.

He joined the next round of gagaball and as soon it started he ran into the middle of the circle, grabbed the ball, and punted it over the fence into the woods where it was gone forever.

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