Sunday, October 8, 2023

Another one of Coach Andy's crazy stories

 Listen up. In life you can't just have anything you want whenever you want. Y'know if I want to climb the hardest climb in the gym today but I'm not strong enough to do it, then it's just not going to happen. Because I'm too weak. And if you pay close attention you'll notice that your own weakness and faults are often the source of your misery and futility. If you were better, things would be better. That's how I live my life every single day. 

On my bathroom mirror, written in red lipstick, is a list of all my faults and ways that I'm not good enough. And every morning I scream read them as loud as I can for all to here and then I set up removing them by becoming stronger. And the most important way to become stronger is to learn how to enter into the dream world and fight the demons of your mind using a lucid-dreaming avatar. 

So after screaming my faults I go back to sleep and enter into the endless Dream War of the unconscious and I've got barrels that I throw. Some of the barrels are heavy and they roll and flatten things they hit. And then others are lighter and bouncy and they knock back opponents. And then there's like flame barrels that explode and catch things on fire. And ice barrels that freeze things. There's a plasma barrel that does plasma. Standard stuff. And it's hordes and hordes of enemies the whole time and they're like "Ah! We're gonna get you this time! You'll have to give us kisses!" And I'm like "No way! Gross!" And I chuck a barrel at them. And then I wake up.

There you go. The recipe for successipe.

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