Sunday, October 1, 2023

i reject cartesian dualism

there's some food smell in my apartment right now and it makes me want to throw up

I think it's coming in through the windows

I saw some plants and the side of the path and thought of Isaiah 15:3 in the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping

I think I was too close to my essential oils and they created an ulcer in the back of my throat

I was sooooooo gassy today

and the dogs and the frogs and the logs and the wogs and the togs and nogs and rogs and sogs and cogs and hogs and jogs and zogs all glowed

glowing like the knots of dead red grasses that choke the marsh under the bridge in the light of the earliest sunset of October

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