Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I'm a competitive person

 I might go so far as to say that I'm an overly competitive person. I don't always manage it as well as I should and because of that I say some pretty ridiculous things sometimes without thinking about it.

But anyway a week ago we were doing this climbing game and there was a miscommunication  about where this climb we made up was supposed to end and this girl who I've coached for a few years now got really frustrated and said to another kid on the team, "Well I would've done it but that IDIOT told me the wrong thing." And she gestured at me when she said idiot. It made me feel bad and we talked about it and I asked her to apologize but in the back of my mind I knew like 'andy you've said similar things in competitive situations, and not just as a kid either but as a full grown adult'

Anyway the practice ended on this sour note but then today she was really nice and that was really gratifying and affirming. I feel like I do the same thing. Like, man, you messed up last time so you better really make an effort this time. And I could tell she was doing that. So that felt good. What a great kid. 

We're all humans trying to do human things.

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