Thursday, October 26, 2023

project update

 Good session today!

About a month ago I made some goals I wanted to accomplish before December and also the next Rumble. One of them was to flash all the purple and blue tapes on a set. Today I got every V4 and V5 on the newly graded wall first try! That was my goal to be completed by April so I guess I have to set a new goal. Or I can see how long of a streak I can keep going. I was really happy with it. I felt tense and was overgripping the holds and being really conscious about every move but that's probably how I'll be in a comp too so it's a good thing to practice.

After that I went over to the steep room where my project is and got from the low start to the high star/mid point first try! I was pretty excited about that. Then I rested a lot and tried to get from the 5th move to the finish. I got to about 3 moves below the finish but I'm still okay with that. I'm much more consistent on the early section now and now it's about having enough energy left to finish the climb. 

Then I did a bunch of the easier steeper climbs to try to build up some endurance and getting used to the feeling of being pumped and tired. 

None of this is interesting to anyone else but journaling helps build a positive mindset gosh darn it!


Here's a spooky story:

One night, it was late and stormy and Andy made a smoothie. But it wasn't just any smoothie! It was a GHOST SMOOTHIE! Wooooo! OoooOOooOoo. The blender howled and whirled and then the ghost smoothie spilled out and over the blender and went through the floor down to Andy's downstairs neighbor Eric and the smoothie soaked into Eric's nice shag rug and haunt-stained it forever! OOooo! Scary!

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