Sunday, December 30, 2012

Slim Pickens Remembers the Milk

My children's-book-not-necessarily-intended-for-children! It's easier to read if you click on the first picture and then click through them with blogger's picture viewer thingy.


Shabby said...

I grade this submission as a Potato +. Well done! Don't see me after class!

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha this is really amazing, I love this. Your long creations are always so good, even better than usual. It's awesome how you've started incorporating drawing too, it's cool to combine your ability in both things. The drawings in here are awesome, some of them really blew me away, like the oranges on the wall. I like how you got the feel of a picture book too, it's like a surrealist picture book, which is cool because I haven't been able to get that picture book enjoyment feeling in a long time.

Haha some of my favorite things:


"If that CEG doesn't get its fix, the company memos will be written on skin."

"It's like a nose without nostrils. It's's like if plants used photosynthesis to take pictures of us on the toilet. And then mailed them to us!"

"And my fourth decree is, you can only look down while walking if you think arson is really cool."

Hahaha I think those last two were my favorite lines

And the 'an Alex Trebek, one of them yes!' part, and "You'll never be happy with me until you've learned to be happy with yourself, Slim Pickens. You can't grill a cheese with only one slice."

"Thanks, Mr. Pear." said Slim Pickens.

Hahaha so good

Anonymous said...

really fantastic artwork! what program did you use

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! That's too nice.

It's called ArtRage. It came with the relatively cheap tablet I bought.