Sunday, December 23, 2012

Looping Looping

Since I've been home I've started waking up in my own drool.

Does anyone know if that indicates something?

It's funny to me. Because I always imagine watching myself drooling while I'm asleep. Probably with a big smile on my face. Just smiling and drooling into my own drool like a dog with an electrode jammed into the pleasure-center of its brain.

And then you wake up and think, "haha, I'm so gross." But it's fun at the same time.

I was trying to explain to my sister today how her relationship is gross and that I think just about all relationships are gross. Which, yeah, I know, it sounds pretty immature.

But! What if the strength of the relationship is found in overcoming that grossness? Huh?

This isn't some Disney princess stuff. No. A relationship isn't just pure distilled happiness and joy like the surge of water from an exploding dam. That's for cartoon characters.

A relationship with real humans is a voluntary proximity between two people. And people are gross. There's no way around that. You can try and hide it but we sweat and make gas and leak from just about every body part imaginable. And then we willingly put those body parts together sometimes. But, at the same time, it's taboo to talk about the stuff that comes out of us. So, it seems like a contradiction. We are, as a culture, ashamed of all these things. But, once you get passed the starry-eyed wonderment, that's really all that's left. Another person.

But I gross myself out all the time. On a regular basis. But I'm okay with me.

And if you can enjoy the company of someone while also acknowledging their inherent human ickyness, that might be the strength of the whole thing.

If you can be happy with yourself and your drool puddle and you can be happy with someone else and their drool puddle, is that not a harmony of mind and body?!

Is that not beauty delicately floating in the breeze of a fart cloud? I ask you! If you can agree to that, what challenge and flaws can you not overcome?
you know, or something like that....

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