Saturday, December 8, 2012

Towels and Emotions

I don't think you can control your emotions. The healthiest thing you can do is just let them happen and then do what you gotta do.

At the same time, that doesn't mean you can't think your emotions are really stupid sometimes.

I can't control the fact that sometimes I start thinking about my towel in the bathroom and how he could use a good washing. And then I start feeling guilty because I don't have time right now to wash him and then I forget about it.

It legitimately makes me sad thinking about how that little towel tries so hard to keep me clean and the least I could do would be to give him a washing every once in a while.

I'm sorry bath towel! You are such a little trooper. It's a really old bath towel too. Apparently I picked it out at a store when I was really young. Too young to remember. And all that bath towel can think about is how much I've changed. It used to be about me and the bath towel, partners--friends. Now I just use him every once in a while and leave him to dry.

I still care bath towel. You've got so much heart.

But that's when I start thinking to myself, "Andy. The bath towel doesn't have feelings. It doesn' is a towel. It can't feel neglect or forlorn or reminisce about innocence lost. It's not...just stop!"

But I can't help looking at it and thinking, "You deserve better, bath towel! I'm gonna be the kind of owner you deserve. As soon as I finish my run today we're gonna take you to the laundry room and have you smelling like freshness in no time."

Sometimes I can just be such a heartless monster without even realizing it. I neglect the things closest and most dependable like bath towel. Laugh if you want. So what if it's just a bath towel? I'm a human being! I'm entitled to compassion!

But...there are actual problems in the world worth to be upset over. Like, actual tragedy occurring to things that can feel.

That's when I remind myself, you can't control emotions. If guilt over my bath towel is the burden I must bear, then okay. I'll accept that. I'm gonna handle my business first. These are some feelings I have to work through to get right with myself.



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