Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Maybe I Can Too!

More sentences!

Quick Andy!

I accepted a job offer this morning. That's the fastest I've woken up this semester. They called me at 8:30 and I went from not knowing what words were to being chipper and dandy.

"Oh yes! This is a responsible adult. No, no, I've been up for hours. I was just drinking more coffee and reading more newspaper before I fed my fish."

I'll make over 9 bucks an hour. That's incredible. I googled "living on minimum wage" and found out it is possible. You just can't own a car or get hurt or sick or have children. But that's okay because I'm working at a daycare and looking after other people's kids!

Andy! You've thought of everything.

But this is a stepping stone. I'm gonna get across the raging river via these stepping stones and meaningful connections. And maybe just for fun I'll splash around in the water for a couple years.
You just can't beat Senior year, folks. It's like...

have you been looking at a wall or the ceiling or a corner somewhere and seen a small stain that looked kinda weird. Freshman through Junior year is you looking at that stain and saying, "wh--what--what is that thing on the wall? Is that dirt? Is that hair?"

And Senior year is when the stain finally moves cuz it's been a bug sitting perfectly still that whole time and you freak out and go, "Oh my gosh it was real life! It was real life the whole time!"

You grab your buddy Justin and you're like, "AHH! Justin! It was a bug the whole time! The walls are alive."

And he's like, "Andy. Be cool. There's funny things on the internet. There's oatmeal pie at the dining halls. Keep on keeping on."
Those scary bugs can't stop me now!

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