Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuba Arms

Have you ever been to a thing somewhere and said, ".............that's fascinating!"

Why not? Don't you want to be fascinated? I try to be fascinated.

It doesn't have to be a big ol' thing either--with red balloons and exploding pigeons. People think you need to travel the world or have a duel with someone to be fascinated. That's not true.

I've been faskinated in my own home, where I've lived all my life. You just have to look carefully.

I was sitting in my kitchen this morning, making fart noises at my dog sitting on the mat underneath our sink. I was just making some mouth-poots at my dog, her name is Reba, by the way.

She was not reacting.

So I gave up on that and said, "Gasoline!" in her direciton. She doesn't turn.

Then I said, "Tebow!" which is similar enough to her name to make her look.

Then I said "Hate crime!" She turned away.

I said, "Meebor!" and she turns around and runs over to me and I start petting her.

"You don't know your name, Meebor! No you don't. No you don't.

But, the interesting part is that at that moment I realized I have no memory of the last three months. I can not remember anything from September up to this morning. When I was making fart noises at my dog.

I don't remember posting on this blog. I don't remember the emails I've sent or received. I don't remember how I got home.

I blacked-in with my dog and it looked like I was having a pretty good time so I decided not to worry about it.

I mean, yeah, I could've destroyed people's lives emotionally or plastered hate speech across public buildings but I don't remember so...whoops.

You know, from my P.O.V., the only one I can trust to assess my actions, it doesn't count. I don't remember. I'm sorry if I took on a super-hero alter-ego called Garden-Hose Boy and whacked you with a rubber garden hose but crying to me about it will get you no where fast.

I wasn't there. I don't know how that went down.

I mean, I imagine I would've snuck-in through a window or crashed through a skylight and attacked you during a valley in your circadian rhythm, maybe a time of day when you were prone to low blood sugar, but we can never know for sure.

That's what makes it so fascinating.


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