Thursday, December 27, 2012

Keep the Speak OR An Old Man Kicks a Brain

They say a picture's worth a thousand words but I'm guessing that one there is about 250 tops. You'd be stretching just to get to 600 with that dim gem of scribbles and scrabbles.


He's an old man. With a destiny, maybe. He's probably staring at a billboard for a grilled cheese sandwich. He's wondering why he has squiggly lines to the right of him and more straight, angular lines on his left side. They're annoying.

He's thinking about how when he goes to the beach today to enjoy the sun and nice weather, he might see that man made entirely of brains. That Brain-Man. He's really just one giant brain with eye stalks and a mouth in the folds and little spinal chord looking limbs dangling out from underneath and at his sides. He flaunts his grotesque prefrontal cortex.

He might just kick that Brain-Man today. He might kick him right in one of his squishy folds. He might kick higher than his groin will allow so that his foot gets stuck and the Brain Man sprints a red, painful manic sprint down the beach, dragging the old man in the sand like a sixteen year old girl with her date for the Junior Prom.

"Don't you want to get a picture with me?"
"Make me look good or this clutch is gonna deviate your septum!"

And the old man will collide with beach towels and umbrellas and baby sunblock and boogie boards and tall glasses of crisp bubbling cola and leave a shimmering trail of sandy destruction in his wake.

And the old man will laugh so that his face crinkles up and catches sand in the crevices and cracks of his saggy skin and the granules will glint and gleam in the sunlight on this clear blue day. With the Brain screaming all the time. Screaming, high-pitched, raspy screams from his brain lungs. They'll blend with the crashing rush of the waves and the gasps of bikini'd girls and the squawks of gulls about to feast on overturned lunches.

All for and because of the old man! Who would've guessed? What wonders kicks and freaks can bring!


And that's like, all you could possibly say about that sketch.

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