Thursday, December 20, 2012


Hey guys! Drawings are back!

We're having fun!


I don't spend a lot of time thinking about physical dangers (like Rocket Rhino Bus) because I'm too scared of non-existent things like failure, rejection, and ordering food over the phone.

But I've heard that it's healthy to think about death, so that probably means it's healthy to think about danger.

I think the most dangerous thing, like, the most dangerous entity in the world, is a floating puddle of garbage-bag water in the dark.

This isn't an opinion, by the way. I've thought this through.

You're walking down a dark hallway in your house to the bathroom. You challenged yourself to drink 32 oz of water in 32 seconds because...because!

You really have to pee.

Your feet on the look-out for puddles but your face is woefully unprepared. You walk right into that puddle of garbage bag water (that seeping water that collects at the bottom of garbage bags) floating at neck level. Unable to react, you drown standing up and the puddle falls to the ground.

When the investigators arrive, they can only conclude that you peed yourself to death after a lonely-induced water drinking contest. It's a textbook case.

No one would ever suspect a floating puddle of garbage bag water! It will never be brought to justice. Forever lurking in the shadows.

The dark is scary! Like finding a ball of hair in your cuban black bean soup.

That's not a black bean! But...potentially Cuban. 

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