Monday, December 31, 2012

On the Eve of this New Year

It's my 200th post of the year on the last day of the year!

-Things to do in 2013-

-Graduate College 
-Run a lot
-Live away from home (at least mostly kind of) sustainably
-keep blogging and making more entertaining entertainments
-read books

That's it. If I can do the things on that broad and general list, I will consider the year a success. 

Words to live by for 2012 were:

The best thing you can achieve is transcendence. The best thing you can do is embrace the long, narrow grind it demands.


Words to live by in 2013:
If you can pick your self up from your helpless, gelatinous, toothless, sack of organs and tender-skulled infancy and become a functional, continent human being. Then you can become a man. It's just gonna take a whole lot of mistakes, help, and crying. 

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