Sunday, December 9, 2012

Irrelimited and Sentences

Possibility is unlimitless.

Let's talk about sentences. Sometimes you can make a really long sentence and have it roll out before the reader like a carpet. Like a carpet made of ground beef. If you took some ground beef and cooked it up a little bit to a nice smokey brown. Then let that dry on your kitchen counter for a few days until you can pound it into a fine mash. Use that mash to form one long strip of ground beef carpet and when you walk into rooms you can unfurl it with a flourish and be Poo-bah-Number-One.

I'm just brainstorming here.

Why do I care about sentences? It's like miniature crafting. It's simple.

Potato peeling class is cancelled because Professor Cranberry-Leg can't find where he parked his car.

Freaky no-no's are half-price at the Corner Deli.

This one way street is closed because it is full of venomous envelopes.

Nine out of ten babies would eat lava if it was placed in a colorful spoon.

The police balanced the oil drum on top of the hostages for fun.

Science is the 5th best thing to sacrifice yourself for behind love, freedom, art, and fake-love.

No one wants to put their hands around the waist of the Captain.

I don't have to get out of your way. I can eat food off this plate while standing up!

The clowns expected better from you.

Your laser hair removal treatment makes my breath smell like neck-braces.

It's too hot to roll on the parking lot. Use your animal mind-control powers.

Words and Phrases I Enjoy:

over-sized clam-bucket
hot mustard
irresponsible princess
trumpet stubble OR We defeated the orphange by shaving the trumpet's trumpet-stubble.
clapping for loneliness
shovel full of dingleberries

that is all.

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