Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Heated Mattress Pad

I like having the house to myself. The lone college student with no responsibilities!

I watched Hot Rod and took a dump. Dumbest movie I've seen in a long time. I loved it.

There's that danger of having the house to yourself. Who's there to stop you from doing acts of unspeakable evil? You might give in to your darkest desires and do something crazy like turn on all the TVs and turn the volume all the way up. You might take all the Activia pro-biotic yogurt and put it in the bathtub.

But then you realize that bathtubs are really big. And you only had two cups of yogurt left out of the six pack. So now you just have a weird mess.

 The older I get the more I feel like I'm becoming elementary school me. And moving away from what middle school and high school me wanted and was worried about. It's like those teen years were a weird diversion and now I'm getting back to my eight-year old priorities.

Which were to be awesome! That's what I was thinking about today. I was thinking about how the "shmo/average guy" has been idolized. That's our generation's male-persona. The average, awkward, lazy guy.

I don't really have a problem with that so much as I dislike that excellence in anything isn't celebrated. It's almost a negative. People can be "too smart". Obsessions are "unhealthy". (How can I be the best at looking at digital clocks if I don't spend 18 hours a day looking at digital clocks!)

And that brings me to Kanye West. Because Kanye West does dare to be excellent. And it occurred to me today that that's why I genuinely like him. He do it better than anybody you ever seen do it.

Yeah, he won't shut up about it, which I guess you could call arrogance, but at least he wants to be the best at something.

And that brings me to Pokemon. When did we lose sight of Pokemon? When did we stop wanting to be the very best, like no one EVER was?

So to tie this whole thing up, I guess I'm going back to the mindset of when I played Pokemon, but without the Pokemon.

I want to be the best comedian/writer-guy and runner that  I can be! And that's it. Well, I guess I might as well continue being a good student. And...have friends and stuff. But other than those things, I hereby don't give craps about anything else!

...I need to learn how to cook. What am I going to feed myself with?!

end. (tomorrow's will be better. promise.)

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