Monday, January 9, 2012


These are some thoughts I had lying around. I don't need them anymore so I'll throw them up here for you to take:

I used to come home from college and just sleep on top of my comforter with a blanket. Freshman year in college I got rid of my comforter all together and just slept on my sheets with a blanket. That's how I sleep at school. This year at home I took the comforter off my bed and did the same thing. The other night I tried sleeping with just the comforter. It was warmer than usual. Then it got too warm. I've gone back to just the sheets and a blanket. I've tried out other people's beds since going to college and I guess I've come to the conclusion that comforters aren't so useless but they're not something I want to sleep under by myself.

I don't think any of the qualities I'm most proud of are born out of anything inherently good. They're just flaws, perceived inadequacies, neurotic made-up rules, and abnormalities that I've learned to love.

Lately my life feels like it's being governed more and more by routine. It's not really a bad thing. I haven't felt bored in a long time. That's not to say I actually do things. I'm just a lot more comfortable with doing nothing.

I think smell is the funniest sense. Someone needs to invent smell-comedy. Smell is also the funniest word of the "sense-words". Touch is the creepiest. Taste and hearing are aptly named. Sight or his twin cousin, Vision, are just...there.

I have a hard time believing language is arbitrary. Words have relations to their meanings. Crazy relations.

I love mixed nuts. I love anything that can be best enjoyed in fistfuls.

I haven't had real human interaction outside my house since Friday. It doesn't bother me. But it probably should. At least I'm still showering.

I think wind is amazing. It can be very annoying but it's also amazing. It's just a colossal mass of air moving around. It's huge. It's bigger than states, it's usually bigger than most countries. It's just this bignormous thing that's passing over you all the time. You have to pluck things from it. You have to take things from the wind, a little bit at a time. Just breathe and hydrate.

I've started using the phrase "Keep the Faith" because of this song. Pluck stuff.

I'm really disappointed that Ferris Wheels haven't become the future of transportation. That's why I don't go to fairs anymore. They're just standing there, so stationary. It's all a big tease.

I wanna live a really long time, mostly for the wrong reasons. And a little bit to be like Bill Murray. Bill Murray is doing it so right.

Today I was reminded of the song, "On Moonlight Bay". Remember? From Hey Arnold? I don't know why I thought of it but I looked up the lyrics and sang it to my dog.

 I've never been very good at planning or envisioning my future. Like, long term. I've started to, though. It bothers me. I try to avoid it.

If I were to write a bildungsroman it would be about a boy that talks to himself, then he learns to talk to other people the way he talks to himself, then he would die in a sailing trip and his body would be cremated on the beach like Shelley.

Keep the Faith.

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