Thursday, March 22, 2012

This Will Not Stop I have some peanut butter stuck in my craw?
No, Dude! You suck MY kiss.
Thus spoke the Holy Corn Ghost: Do not fear, my son. For I will entrust in you the funky wisdom of The Husk

It's Spring everyone everywhere. That means Good Times. The food is alive. The clouds are billowy. The Outside has rehabilitated itself once more and is safe to venture out in. And to be fair, its relapse into hate and death was pretty mild this year.

 Let's be thankful of our skin and now that it's warm again we can crawl out of that fort in our minds we retreat into to block out the cold. Now we can feel our whole body. It's all of us. We can really feel it moving and pulsing with a rhythm.

And that rhythm is called freshness. Breathe it in.

Right about now, the Funk Soul Brother.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Andy, the springtime is a time for not trying hard, okay?

You should really read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Funnie Paranoia said...

These posts relentlessly brighten my day.

Andy Lawrence said...

Haha, I am glad relentlessness is involved. That's the best kind!

And okay, Anonymous. I will go to Bookstore this weekend. Promise.