Monday, March 5, 2012

Red: I'd rather be burned than pale


It's kind of hard to burn bridges if you can't light a match and the cold keeps freezing over the water but when the sun- comes to stay I can lay out on my island in the freakin' star position and watch mountains of clouds plow into each- other like cool piles of cream in the blue.

Sand sun sweat and grass
Sound smell feel better
next to silence and crashing fizz.

I just realized that my dad has a Homer Simpson laugh. You know the one where he giggles in a high-pitched voice? Hee-hee! My dad does that.

After 30 Rock was over I asked, "What's on now?" and my mom said in a low, raspy voice, "The Bachelooorrrrr".

My little sister did nothing of note except...nope. Nothing. I'll make something up. She got hopped up on gummy bears from the Mennonite grocery store and chopped down our pear tree with a squirrel carcass during a snow storm with no shoes on.

That little sister...always...doin' stuff.

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